

Sunday, March 1, 2015

3-1-15 Yejoon and #Thanks3

8 PM:  First day of March and last day before schoooool! Whoo-hoo!

I told everyone in bible study today that my praise to God was that I was actually excited for school. I'm thrilled to get started and I have a lot of lovely things I want to try.

Today in Yoochiboo preschool class, one boy named Yejoon came over to sit in my lap and tell me every word he knows in English. He's only 5 years old, but he knew more than I was expecting. The kids in general are attempting more English with me, now that they're gradually learning that I'm an Other-Place-Person who knows Other-Place-Words!

And now for the Thank List entries from the past two days, the activity that enables me to see God's love and feel as happy as a baby sloth hangin' upside down from a tree.

May I Have a Hug, Please-Please?

41. Being part of my first Korean vacation Bible school. Our decorations are a variety of rainbow balloons with syllable blocks printed on them.
42. The brightly colored pads of our preschool Sunday school room floor. Soft places to sit with all our kids. Warm times full of songs and cuddles.
43. Smiling on the morning walk to church because I'm thinking of what I'll say to friends when I see them next.
44. Preschool cracker-cookies shaped like pandas and covered in chocolate.
45. Meeting Shiwoo, a 4-year-old who ignored me for months, then decided I was vital to his happiness as he fed me kimbap and called me a version of "Leigh Sem" that sounded more like "reset".
46. Me calling Shiwoo "my boy" and him hearing "babo" meaning idiot. He then said "utgyeo, utgyeo!" Meaning that I was really funny.
47. Walking by the convenience store just in trime for my newly graduated students Youngmn and Ikhwan to walk out and greet me
48. Hugs from Youngminnie, who was always my boy.
49. The ability to cook up two pots of veggies per day--bottomless amounts of my favorite foods.
50. The Spanish language, which I have no intentions of ever learning, but which is lovely nonetheless, especially when set to music.       2-28-15

51. Cookie-popcicle from Amy, tasty, dipped in chocolate and covered in tiny marshmallows.
52. Yejoon from preschool class, who sat in my lap and told me every English word he knew, including all ten numbers, mommy, tiger, and hat.
53. My purple clothing iron, allowing me to methodically smooth out every little wrinkle in my skirt ruffle.
54. Hyoeun showing up to preschool in a full princess Elsa outfit, complete with sheer turquoise cape and tiara.
55. YouTube video explaining what Hong Kong is---I didn't know. It was an island loaned by China to England for 150 years, and is actually capitalist even though it's part of China again.
56. New university exchange students from America at bible study--happy 20-year-olds, loving Korea and just starting their lives. The freshness there.
57. Putting together outfits for school next week, pairing this dress with that turtleneck, this sweater with those leggings, recombining new and old.
58. Freshly laundered blanket, contributing to my state of warmth.
59. My baby siblings getting awards and certificates for their  basketball-playing. Go fight win!
60. Eating up all the gim (dried seaweed), given to me by Amy. Taaaaasty.       3-1-15