

Sunday, October 6, 2013

10-6-13 I'm Back

8 PM  The weekend workshop went fine. I signed a contract saying that I wouldn't discuss which test I was writing for, who I met at the workshop, or any details regarding the questions, so I'll mention what I can.

I got up at 4:45 AM on Friday to get ready for the trip, triple-checking my bags to make sure I didn't have any forbidden items because we weren't allowed to bring laptops, MP3 players, books, or paper--nothing on which we could store digital information or write down information.

I caught the 6:40 train from my hometown to Seoul, rode for 90 minutes, then got on the Seoul Metro, taking the subway to the right stop and emerging at the right exit. The facility was 2 blocks away, and I had an hour left before check-in time, so I stopped for coffee and ran into a guy friend from my province. I had been concerned, but I felt better once I saw somebody I knew. I quickly made friends with some of the girls at the event, so I had a wide variety of people to talk with and eat with over the weekend.

At 10 AM on Friday, security took our phones. I first got a cellphone at age 15, and since that time I don't think I've gone a full two days without the ability to contact my family by phone. But they knew what to expect, so we were okay. I think...

The first day had a lot of lectures and I learned a bunch of information. I was so silent in my absorption of the information, the people in my group thought I was shy. When I finally responded to somebody's joke, one of the people in our group said, "Good job, Leigh! You finally spoke. You're so quiet over there." In 27 years of living, that is the first time I have heard myself described as quiet. It was wonderful. I felt like I had discovered a new identity. :-)

Being locked away from technology, books, and access to the world (security accompanied us everywhere--there was no chance to leave) could have been really rough, but the people I was with made it all right. Everyone was thoughtful and generous and I so appreciated everyone's positive attitudes. It was a good experience--I'd do it again.

And now, photos from Wednesday and Thursday!

My Desk at School.

Can you tell a girl works here? Supplies are kept in one of two pink containers, my Korean language homework is in the pink journal with the cross on it, bright stickers are all over everywhere, and if you look closely, you can see the tiara my Lunch Co-ordinator gave me.

Letters for the Boys

Don't know if they read them or threw them away or what, but I wrote notes for 8 afterschool boys last Wednesday--just thanking them for helping with class or asking how their pet dog was doing or complimenting their choice of video clips last week.