

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

3-4-15 #Thanks6, Crosswalks, and Heejoon

7:30 PM:

Thank List, then writing from earlier today!

81. The last of the green-tea KitKats from Japan, sweet bits brought home from Narita airport.
82. Knowing that there's two giant bowls full of cooked veggies (broccoli and spinach) waiting for me in my fridge back home thanks to a lot of industrious veggie-cooking the night before.
83. Purchased tickets to Seoul this weekend, for a little shopping excursion, and the possible purchase of oats.
84. Heejoon, his unfailing sweetness and fun personality. How precious to have him around.
85. Knowing that I'll be able to get snacks for my conversation class boys in the future, figuring out a way to get good and necessary things to them.
86. Mango lotion at my desk, the smooth-scented perfect remedy for cold-cracked hands.
87. Covers of well-known songs, styled into another genre. Unexpectedness paid with the familiar.
88. The (joking) fuss put up by the older guy teachers when Jeongminnie and Hyunho both came to the big office to fetch me.
89. Warm ears. This is the coldest day of March, and the wind is nippy, but indoors you can feel all your extremities and know you are well.
90. My wall at home, covered in cute letters and notes from friends and students.

10 AM:   Had the nicest talk with NG this morning. He paused his crossing guard duties and walked over so we could chat about school. We both start teaching from the book next week and he was talking about his ideas for teaching the 2nd grade B-levels by himself. Unfortunately, the new schedule says that I've got the 2nd-grade A levels with another co, while NG has B-level.

But he's got cool plans for them, so it'll all be alright. And it's nice to know that while I was feeling bummed at having no classes with NG, this morning neatly proved that we're both gonna be just fine this semester. Not having any joint classes doesn't mean we won't still see each other--if nowhere else, then at least at the crosswalk every morning.


11:30 AM:

Teaching 3rd graders like a boss!

Wooo! Disco-ball sky-glitter woooo!

I had 3-6 by myself, but they were lovely. I wasn't sure whether they would be, but Proposal-Heejoon is in there and he loves me. As is Sangyeop, who is a truly good heart, and a handful of other well-liked ones.

We had a very happy, comfortable class of us chatting and laughing, and Heejoon telling me that my letter A's look like Q's, then telling me that my spelling mistakes are cute.

We had fun, and I think I got more connections with kids I'd previously not known.


3 PM:

And another excellent class passes. This one I also had alone, but we did fine. At first they were quiet and not so involved but then they picked up and were sitting on the edge of their seats. It was pretty hilarious to hear their commentary on the movie.

I had a lovely time with the 3rd graders. How sweet and how fun to be their teacher.

Jeongminnie now has a plant-buying hobby, he tells me. He buys tiny growing herbs like thyme and mint for his mom to use in recipes. Right now, everything he really wants to buy doesn't properly bloom until May, so he'll be obliged to wait a bit before continuing his hobby.

This was a right cold day, but I think it's all warmer weather from here on out. :-)