

Friday, March 20, 2015

3-20-15 Late #Thanks19, From Thursday

9:20 PM

Yesterday, my internet was not working too well, so I couldn't post anything. This is Thursday's stuff. I continue to not quite get enough sleep, but to still love my life and gratefully accept all that God offers.

From Thursday:

211. Sunny days after a deluge of rain.
212. Surprise ddeok from the new teachers, a little variety box showing just how diverse a food rice cake can be.
213. Hyunseo, just everything about my Hyunseo. So smart, so sweet, so clever. I'm lucky to teach him twice a week.
214. Orange flavored vitamin water. Are there any vitamins in you? I know not. For my part, I care not, for thou art delicious.
215. I-Love-Yous from Yeonghan, who first said he loved me two years ago, and who has always meant it, and always been a bright spot in every day.
216. SG, willing to go fetch the 3rd grade kids for me when they were confused about where they should be for class. Her willingness to help.
217. Getting to talk with a friend last night, realizing that so many of her concerns echo my own. Being able to offer her counsel and consolation because I've be been there.
218. Having strong arms, lean and steely and ready for anything! I feel like I could scale a wall, honestly.
219. My keychain, a length of ribbon with my USB, computer key, door key, and a silver cross pendant on it.
220. Anticipating my lunchtime walk with JY, since we have ample sunshine and balmy, breezy weather to enjoy.

그대여 나와 함께 해주오 이 봄이 가기 전에
e with me before the spring ends

11 AM: Gyuseong walked me to school this morning. He's a 3rd grader with surprisingly good English, who hangs out with Jeongminnie often. we discussed whether I'll be playing board games with the k the is at lunch time again this year. I think I should start.

Had Gyuseong in class today actually, a Giant Class of 3rd-graders where there are the grips combined into one. They were my first class that was not really fun. They weren't bad, just not enjoyable in the way that the other kids tend to be.

We'll just give it time! I'm sure they'll get more awesome with time--our first day was just a little confusing because they came to class late and didn't have their levels sorted yet.

Came downstairs to find Hyunseop, Sanghyeop, and Boulder Minsu talking animatedly with JY, and they were talking about me. Turned out, they were requesting to be taught by me since they dropped to C level, which is not where they want to be.

I've got one more class today--little 1st grades, which should be grand. Then I've got tomorrow, which is very very super full, and I've got stuff on the weekend, too.

Saturday class starts in two days, and I've got a fun lesson prepped for that. Then Sunday is preschool (Yoochiboo!) stuff at 11, go home then English worship at 4. Our new English pastor asked if I'd be part of the leadership and I said I would, so there's fellowship after the service, then leaders' stuff after that.

And I want to help, but the idea does occur to me that I'm really losing my sleep-in mornings. But Saturday class is only once a month, and it's not like I want to quit Yoochiboo teaching just because it means waking up slightly later.

It also occurs to me that when I become a parent, that may be the end of sleep-in days, period. Is it? Children=no more late mornings ever? Do I represent the end of my mother's rest? The nap stops here.

2:30 PM  Last class over. They were SG's kids, some of them and I seriously very very much like this crew. I'm having a little trouble with my co for this class, though? She's Mr. B's substitute and I can't quite jive with her style of class management (introductory speech to the kids about how their first infraction of the rules meant a warning, second infraction meant getting hit with the stick).

Which might have just been a speech with no intent to actually follow through, but it felt bad. It also got the kids dead quiet and stiff and worried when I wanted them to be opening their minds and unlocking their mouths to try a difficult and daunting language.

Anywhee, things ended up fine. She sat in the back and let me do my thing, and the kids left smiling. Right now my question is,  can I or should I ask JY to let me teach these classes on my own?

I've had many classes to handle solo in the past, so I'm fairly confident I can do it, plus these children know me enough to have an idea of my character--I don't believe they'll be a problem.

At lunchtime, I got to see Hyo a bit because he and I went upstairs to watch Gyuseong and Jeongminnie play chess. Hyo gates teased for walking with me, and now he's big enough to at least hit people for talking smack. I let him do it. I don't know how bad his situation might have been in the past or how it's affecting the present.

Now that its truly spring, the problem of 3rd graders and shirts, or the lack thereof, has again returned.  On my way to my last class, Soonhyuk was pulling on a shirt in the hallway instead of in his classroom. When he saw me coming, he lifted the shirt back up and asked, "best body,  right?" I told him that he was very strong and special. Hopefully, that one compliment will hold him, and we won't have to repeat this after every soccer practice.

Did I mention taking out a college friend of mine for coffee the other night? I met her at church and even though she's just here in Korea for one semester, she seemed well worth friending.

And it was fun for me, being the unnie again--the big sister. She's 20 and I'm 28, which was almost exactly the age spread between me and one of my best friends at home. we actually complemented each others traits pretty well. Around college students, I'm suddenly this seasoned veteran who knows stuff about Life and How Things Work. and I feel refreshed by her new happy-wonderment view of the world.

My dad sent me an email, encouraging me to ask God to show me things when I read the Bible. my first reaction was that that seems unlikely. I don't know why I look for and fully expect God to reveal things to me from things that friends say or things I read elsewhere, but I notably don't expect the Bible to do the same?   huh.  It's worth exploring. And I miss my Daddy,  I really do.

3:40 PM.  Okay, first thing I read in the bible was randomly assigned to me by a bible app--Joshua chapter 1. It's all this stuff about "every place the sole of your foot shall step, that have I given you" and "I will never fail thee or forsake thee" and "be thou very courageous" and "turn not aside (from the law) to the left hand or the right."

It was kind of splendid and scary. It was written about the Israelites occupying a country, but I feel like it has some application for me in my new place, too. Or is it silly to think that? I prayed for God to show me something in his word, and then I flipped open a bible so and THIS came out. Is it foolish to trust that process? I don't know. But I think those verses are encouraging.