

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

3-17-15 Ponytails and #Thanks17

191. Green grape candies from my new 1st grade student Gyeongcheol. I noticed his smartness in class and at the end, as everybody lined up to get goodbye high-fives, he placed a couple of candies in my hand and said "seonmul!" Or "present!"
192. 1st-graders not wanting to leave class when it's over, saying "do we HAVE to go?"
193. Ponytailed hair, a nice change for the middle of the week.
194. Knowingly the Korean word for "" sleigh"--seolmae.
195. Little pink note-papers taped all over my text books, notes to myself.
196. Having a moisturized face , which made it through winter without chafing, chapping or cracking.
197. White marker board entirely filled up with my writing from class.
198. Knowing the school like the back of my hand, which stairs lead where, which rooms contain whom.
199. The serene in between moments.
200. Switching out my old book for a new book.

11 AM. Nice day, good morning classes, beautiful children.

1:30  PM.  JY has a long day ahead of her--6 classes, like my Monday, because she has to do extra to make up for going to Seoul that one day last week.

Went to the special needs room and Youngminnie was there! I knew he had autism, but SG said she didn't think he was participating in any of the special-needs activities. So it was nice for me to see him.

As soon as I walked in, he did his usual salute.  it involved standing up and saying in Korean,  "attention!  And now we greet. Peace be with you..." It's technically what the kids are supposed to do when their teachers enter their class the first week, but Youngminnie does it all the time and doors or solo, without the aid of a whole class to back him up.

And this time I was ready for his super-formal lunch question, because I had studied up. He asked the Korean equivalent of, "milady, hast thou or hast thou not dined already." And I answered with, "Yes, I hath dined."

Then I hugged him before going over to sit with Dohyun, our student with cerebral palsy. We held hands and talked about his new homeroom teacher and the nice warm weather we've had today.

5PM: Worth noting that I wore my hair in a ponytail today and everybody went nuts. JY told me it looked great and she never discusses my appearance, the kids remarked on it often, and Euiseon had a come-apart in class trying with great zeal to convince me that poinytails are the way to go in the future: "Teacher...hairstyle up? Yes, this. Better. Best hairstyle, yes." On the walk home, one kid (who I don't even know) yelled, "You are SO CUTE." in formal Korean. Maybe it's a look I ought to repeat, in that case.