

Thursday, March 26, 2015

3-26-15 #Thanks20 and Strong Minds

10 PM:

Life is good and I'm so happy.

Though I keep quite busy, getting lessons done and prepped ahead of time, making sure my ducks are in a row. Here's some notes I made on Wednesday:

221. Lavender sweater for today! Soft and sweet.
222. Pretty purple turtleneck, bright.
223. Being told that I look like a deer, and learning that that is a compliment--it means to look wide-eyed and innocent.
224. Changho asking if I feel better today, after noting that I had a sore throat yesterday.
225. Mr. B giving me an even nicer class list than I had before--this time, complete with like green carry-folder.
226. Eggs for lunch. I go so crazy for protein.
227. Plenty of Pocari to drink when I'm thirsty--soothes those final bits of sore throat.
228. Realizing that I am in God's debt, and he is not in mine.
229. the book, The Undercover Economist, my current nonfiction read.
230. Sound of gentle silence in the office--this too, is home.

231. 3rd graders being unexpectedly delightful.
232. Plenty of tissues when you need tissues.
233. Frank Sinatra songs. I'm quite nostalgic for eras I've never lived in.

11:40 AM

Class 3-5, 3-6 was bountifully splendid. I walked in the for and they were all waiting to pounce and scare me, which for them was clearly a gesture of massive affection.

It set the mood perfectly. I was grinning from the begging of class onward. My boys. They know they're loved.

And I need to take a moment of appreciation for Mr. B, too. In the past I feel like I've complained about him some, but he now let's me call the roll in class because he knows that I'm trying to learn the new kids names and visual confirmation helps so much.

Also, he's been doing the dialogues with me in front of the kids, helping me demonstrate the pieces they're supposed to memorize. It's very effective and it was his idea, too--he's been a big blessing already this semester.

My friend SY came by my desk--she said she's worried about me because of my isolated position, but she concluded that I'm ultimately alright because I have a bright face and strong mind, she said.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

3-21-15 Best First Saturday Class Evarrrrr....

6:30 PM    Had a GRAND day with the Saturday English class.

I was under the impression that I had to get the introductory speech at our assembly, so I was really stressed about that, but it turned out that I didn't have to. Relief! I simply had to be present at the ceremony, which only involved smiling and waving.

My Hyunseo was the student representative for the kids, so he had to present the Vice Principal with a document and say some kind of "swearing in" pledge for all the kids entering the program. I told him he did a great job and that he had a really cool voice. He said, "I know."

I knew I was going to do a serious/interesting film discussion on the first half of Pride and Prejudice with the kids, but I was stressed about what exactly I'd talk about, I had an hour and a half between commencement and when I needed to start teaching, so I took that time to sling together a really cool outline of what I wanted to talk about.

Because I wanted to strike the right balance of discussing serious thematic stuff like Marriage, Finances, Social Hierarchy, the Importance of Manners, etc. and also making it fun and funny.


It succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.

The kids were the best audience ever. In the history of life. They kept laughing and answering questions and they were easily like my American kids back home. Our literature classes were always informative and funny and stunning, and this was just the same.

One of the girls had read Pride and Prejudice translated in Korean, so she knew the plot well. The other kids had no clue, but I was shocked by how invested in the story they were. The boys didn't know that they were supposed to have an innate male resistance to Jane Austen, so they were all up in it. (And now that I think of it, my own dad, who's one of the manliest men I know, has always liked Jane Austen, and I always admired him for it.)

We wrote essays at the end, and it was great. My next class with them, we'll watch the other half of the movie, and they're looking forward to it. I am, too. I just fed them Oreos today, but I might spring for for-reals baking next time.

I asked my JH about how he liked being a 2nd-grader. He immediately started talking about his homeroom teacher, NG. I didn't realize that JH was addressing a complaint rather than a positive attribute when he said, "You know, NG is very chic". I agreed and said he was a really cool person. JH looked confused, so later I looked up the definition of "chic" for Koreans--it doesn't mean fashionable, polished, sophisticated, like it does in English and French. It has some of that connotation, but it more commonly means "cold" or "stand-offish". 

So that's a little sad, that NG's not showing his warm side to JH yet. JH is made of hearts and moonbeams--he's designed to love and be loved, and I know his homeroom teacher last year (Adorable History Teacher, who moved to the boys' high school this semester), really showed him the kind of sweetness and appreciation that built up his spirit.

I saw Sangbin again, which was great. I love him so much and since he lived in America, i can be slightly sarcastic with him and he gets it and thinks it's funny. He asked if the 6 giant boxes of Oreos on my desk were for them, and I said no, they were my lunch because this is what Americans eat, and didn't he remember our lifestyle? He died over that one.

My and JY went out for lunch, along with Jung-Y Teacher, a math teacher who is a very nice girl (she's one of the people from my October vacation, though I haven't talked to her much since). We had good convo, mostly in Korean. It's good practice for me.

Got my  nails done! Which was a tremendous relief, since I haven't had them done since November. Too long to go without cute nail art! :-)

Friday, March 20, 2015

3-20-15 Late #Thanks19, From Thursday

9:20 PM

Yesterday, my internet was not working too well, so I couldn't post anything. This is Thursday's stuff. I continue to not quite get enough sleep, but to still love my life and gratefully accept all that God offers.

From Thursday:

211. Sunny days after a deluge of rain.
212. Surprise ddeok from the new teachers, a little variety box showing just how diverse a food rice cake can be.
213. Hyunseo, just everything about my Hyunseo. So smart, so sweet, so clever. I'm lucky to teach him twice a week.
214. Orange flavored vitamin water. Are there any vitamins in you? I know not. For my part, I care not, for thou art delicious.
215. I-Love-Yous from Yeonghan, who first said he loved me two years ago, and who has always meant it, and always been a bright spot in every day.
216. SG, willing to go fetch the 3rd grade kids for me when they were confused about where they should be for class. Her willingness to help.
217. Getting to talk with a friend last night, realizing that so many of her concerns echo my own. Being able to offer her counsel and consolation because I've be been there.
218. Having strong arms, lean and steely and ready for anything! I feel like I could scale a wall, honestly.
219. My keychain, a length of ribbon with my USB, computer key, door key, and a silver cross pendant on it.
220. Anticipating my lunchtime walk with JY, since we have ample sunshine and balmy, breezy weather to enjoy.

그대여 나와 함께 해주오 이 봄이 가기 전에
e with me before the spring ends

11 AM: Gyuseong walked me to school this morning. He's a 3rd grader with surprisingly good English, who hangs out with Jeongminnie often. we discussed whether I'll be playing board games with the k the is at lunch time again this year. I think I should start.

Had Gyuseong in class today actually, a Giant Class of 3rd-graders where there are the grips combined into one. They were my first class that was not really fun. They weren't bad, just not enjoyable in the way that the other kids tend to be.

We'll just give it time! I'm sure they'll get more awesome with time--our first day was just a little confusing because they came to class late and didn't have their levels sorted yet.

Came downstairs to find Hyunseop, Sanghyeop, and Boulder Minsu talking animatedly with JY, and they were talking about me. Turned out, they were requesting to be taught by me since they dropped to C level, which is not where they want to be.

I've got one more class today--little 1st grades, which should be grand. Then I've got tomorrow, which is very very super full, and I've got stuff on the weekend, too.

Saturday class starts in two days, and I've got a fun lesson prepped for that. Then Sunday is preschool (Yoochiboo!) stuff at 11, go home then English worship at 4. Our new English pastor asked if I'd be part of the leadership and I said I would, so there's fellowship after the service, then leaders' stuff after that.

And I want to help, but the idea does occur to me that I'm really losing my sleep-in mornings. But Saturday class is only once a month, and it's not like I want to quit Yoochiboo teaching just because it means waking up slightly later.

It also occurs to me that when I become a parent, that may be the end of sleep-in days, period. Is it? Children=no more late mornings ever? Do I represent the end of my mother's rest? The nap stops here.

2:30 PM  Last class over. They were SG's kids, some of them and I seriously very very much like this crew. I'm having a little trouble with my co for this class, though? She's Mr. B's substitute and I can't quite jive with her style of class management (introductory speech to the kids about how their first infraction of the rules meant a warning, second infraction meant getting hit with the stick).

Which might have just been a speech with no intent to actually follow through, but it felt bad. It also got the kids dead quiet and stiff and worried when I wanted them to be opening their minds and unlocking their mouths to try a difficult and daunting language.

Anywhee, things ended up fine. She sat in the back and let me do my thing, and the kids left smiling. Right now my question is,  can I or should I ask JY to let me teach these classes on my own?

I've had many classes to handle solo in the past, so I'm fairly confident I can do it, plus these children know me enough to have an idea of my character--I don't believe they'll be a problem.

At lunchtime, I got to see Hyo a bit because he and I went upstairs to watch Gyuseong and Jeongminnie play chess. Hyo gates teased for walking with me, and now he's big enough to at least hit people for talking smack. I let him do it. I don't know how bad his situation might have been in the past or how it's affecting the present.

Now that its truly spring, the problem of 3rd graders and shirts, or the lack thereof, has again returned.  On my way to my last class, Soonhyuk was pulling on a shirt in the hallway instead of in his classroom. When he saw me coming, he lifted the shirt back up and asked, "best body,  right?" I told him that he was very strong and special. Hopefully, that one compliment will hold him, and we won't have to repeat this after every soccer practice.

Did I mention taking out a college friend of mine for coffee the other night? I met her at church and even though she's just here in Korea for one semester, she seemed well worth friending.

And it was fun for me, being the unnie again--the big sister. She's 20 and I'm 28, which was almost exactly the age spread between me and one of my best friends at home. we actually complemented each others traits pretty well. Around college students, I'm suddenly this seasoned veteran who knows stuff about Life and How Things Work. and I feel refreshed by her new happy-wonderment view of the world.

My dad sent me an email, encouraging me to ask God to show me things when I read the Bible. my first reaction was that that seems unlikely. I don't know why I look for and fully expect God to reveal things to me from things that friends say or things I read elsewhere, but I notably don't expect the Bible to do the same?   huh.  It's worth exploring. And I miss my Daddy,  I really do.

3:40 PM.  Okay, first thing I read in the bible was randomly assigned to me by a bible app--Joshua chapter 1. It's all this stuff about "every place the sole of your foot shall step, that have I given you" and "I will never fail thee or forsake thee" and "be thou very courageous" and "turn not aside (from the law) to the left hand or the right."

It was kind of splendid and scary. It was written about the Israelites occupying a country, but I feel like it has some application for me in my new place, too. Or is it silly to think that? I prayed for God to show me something in his word, and then I flipped open a bible so and THIS came out. Is it foolish to trust that process? I don't know. But I think those verses are encouraging.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

3-18-15 #Thanks18

201. Emailing my tutor, who is moving away, with a million nonsensical Korean questions, knowing she'll know exactly what I mean.
202. Cute little self-made bookmark, from an aquarium brochure, cut into the shape of a seal.
203.  Cool rainy morning with just a nice inbetween amount of wind. In the words of Percy Shelly, oh wind if winter comes can spring be far behind?
204. Navy and white polka dot dress, layered under a maroon sweater, neat as can be.
205. My sweet 2ndChanhee, yelling a greeting so I would come look at his hurt foot.
206. Rows of perfectly ordered desks
207. Looking forward to the Saturday classes and what I'll do with the advanced kids.
208. 1st-grades happily staring at me through the glass of the English room door. For behold, I am exciting and rare, like an albino squirrel.
209. Laughing with 3rd graders over little things.
210. Knowing the truth of salvation, that I've been saved and that I'm always loved.

11:30 AM   First class went fine. 3rd graders were charming and funny, and they think I'M funny, because most of them have never had me in class before, though I was excited to see several of my B-levels from last year moved up to where I am.

My awesome Hyunshik kept telling me, "eoryeowo..." "It's hard..." because honestly, being A-level can be a pain. The work is harder. But I alleviated it by playing them the Chronicles of Narnia at the end, a chance for all of us to kick back and have more fun.

The 1st-graders across the hall from the English room (class10) are officially getting proactive in regards to making my acquaintance. Earlier this morning, one of them named Ruk came into the room while I was talking to Jeongminnie. he introduced himself and smiled a lot, then after my last class left, he came back by again.

Ruk mainly wanted to ask how I spelled my name and to deliver a love confession in Korean. It was very respectful and nicely-worded, so I was impressed.  We left the classroom and as I was locking up, I heard Ruk's tiny-tiny compatriots in class 10 demand a progress report from him. "You didn't even get a kiss?" asked one child, who was almost small enough to fit in my backpack. I had no idea such things were even being dreamt of. What DOES run through the brain of a 1st grader?

12:30 PM    Hyo came by after lunch, to watch a movie with me, but I had to send him off with just some candy because I'm not really set up for having students visit.

Yunho is now almost-blocking me in the hallway. He walks up and parks himself like he's not going to move, them dances out of the way right before I have to push him. I remember back when he was little baby Governor Yunho in 1st grade, so small and bossy. He was a doll in class 9, with Deokrong and Criminal Beomjoon and Woohyuk and Laryngitis Seonghoon. How much they grow. 

3:15 PM. Had another good 3rd grade class. 3-1,3-2 were wonderful, very chant and jokey. Just my style. Happy times!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

3-17-15 Ponytails and #Thanks17

191. Green grape candies from my new 1st grade student Gyeongcheol. I noticed his smartness in class and at the end, as everybody lined up to get goodbye high-fives, he placed a couple of candies in my hand and said "seonmul!" Or "present!"
192. 1st-graders not wanting to leave class when it's over, saying "do we HAVE to go?"
193. Ponytailed hair, a nice change for the middle of the week.
194. Knowingly the Korean word for "" sleigh"--seolmae.
195. Little pink note-papers taped all over my text books, notes to myself.
196. Having a moisturized face , which made it through winter without chafing, chapping or cracking.
197. White marker board entirely filled up with my writing from class.
198. Knowing the school like the back of my hand, which stairs lead where, which rooms contain whom.
199. The serene in between moments.
200. Switching out my old book for a new book.

11 AM. Nice day, good morning classes, beautiful children.

1:30  PM.  JY has a long day ahead of her--6 classes, like my Monday, because she has to do extra to make up for going to Seoul that one day last week.

Went to the special needs room and Youngminnie was there! I knew he had autism, but SG said she didn't think he was participating in any of the special-needs activities. So it was nice for me to see him.

As soon as I walked in, he did his usual salute.  it involved standing up and saying in Korean,  "attention!  And now we greet. Peace be with you..." It's technically what the kids are supposed to do when their teachers enter their class the first week, but Youngminnie does it all the time and doors or solo, without the aid of a whole class to back him up.

And this time I was ready for his super-formal lunch question, because I had studied up. He asked the Korean equivalent of, "milady, hast thou or hast thou not dined already." And I answered with, "Yes, I hath dined."

Then I hugged him before going over to sit with Dohyun, our student with cerebral palsy. We held hands and talked about his new homeroom teacher and the nice warm weather we've had today.

5PM: Worth noting that I wore my hair in a ponytail today and everybody went nuts. JY told me it looked great and she never discusses my appearance, the kids remarked on it often, and Euiseon had a come-apart in class trying with great zeal to convince me that poinytails are the way to go in the future: "Teacher...hairstyle up? Yes, this. Better. Best hairstyle, yes." On the walk home, one kid (who I don't even know) yelled, "You are SO CUTE." in formal Korean. Maybe it's a look I ought to repeat, in that case.

Monday, March 16, 2015

3-16-15 Archdukes and #Thanks16

7 PM:  Things I'm thankful for and what I did today:

181. My half-dry hair, changing colors from dark to light.
182. Broccoli in the fridge, greens on the stove.
183. A new English teacher saying my Korean pronunciation is excellent, like native speaker level.
184. Handshakes from half a million first-graders who have decided that hand-shaking is a very exciting short of thing to do.
185. Some of my B-level boys from last year moving up to A-level in the 3rd grade, so I get to have them in class. Chanhee, Changhee, and Daejeong.
186. New 3rd grade teacher at lunch, being pleasant and kind. New acquaintances are always welcome.
187. JY translating helpful phrases for me. Learned how to say, "how do they feel about each other" and "he feels guilty", all related to the Chronicles of Narnia film.
188. Solid sweet lemon candy, just on the verge of crunching.
189. SG's student, baby Youngminnie, asking me if I've had lunch, in the most formal language imaginable.
190. Breathing room, thanks to a sudden fire drill scheduled for this afternoon, I've got a wee bit of a rest--5 classes instead of 6. It's peaceful.

1:50 PM.  Doing all right! Got through 4 classes fine and now I've got a breather before my convo class.

I just finished reading a book called "An Abundance of Katherine's" and in this book, a bunch of wacky things happen, but one of them is that a couple of teenage boys go on a road trip that culminates in their finding a town in Tennessee which is the surprising final resting place of Franz Ferdinand.

Except it's not. This novel had me soooooo  perfectly convinced that the final resting place of Archduke Franz Ferdinand--he whose fateful assassination kick-started the World War 1--was somehow magically in Tennessee, but it's not. He's interred in an Austrian castle, like any respectable archduke would be.

Goes to show just how much fiction can affect real life. It actually reminds me of my dad's advice to read the bible for myself when I was younger. Because before you know it, you can rely on hearsay as fact; you'll can accept the word of preachers and teachers as if it was the actual word of God.

I recall a few times over the years hearing a message from a minister that contained something that was flat-out not in the bible. Most cases, I believe these were mistakes or oversights with no ill intent, but they sure SOUNDED accurate, so I would have beloved them if I hasn't checked the facts for myself.

Lessons learned: People are fallible. God's word is not. And the Archduke is not buried in Tennessee.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

3-15-15 Shopping Expedition and #Thanks15

2 AM:

Just now getting to sleep because I spent Saturday in Seoul, doing Spring shopping. Then when i came back to town at night, I needed to go out with a friend whose pet died. It's important to be with people when they're hurting. She and I went for late-night kimbap, then coffee, and I'm convinced that she's doing well.

Here's my thanks from Friday and today (Saturday), and some notes from Class on Friday and shopping today.

171. Busker-Busker songs in almost-spring. They're a Korean indie band known for their springtime songs and we are So. Close. To that time of year.
172. Walking to school with a new 1st-grader, Jinman, who made lovely conversation.
173. JY being back today--that neighboring desk feels more homey with her here.
174. My thumb joints. There's just something interesting about thumbs and their two hinge points, not three. 3-13-15
175. Subway for Myeongdong arriving just in time.
176. Sleepy train cars, full of peace.
177. Other women wearing cute shoes. Surprisingly, I'm happy just to see quality footwear on anybody--unique boots, shiny heels, etc.
178. A store with a lot of Jean fabric referring to it's upstairs stock of pants as "The Denim Bar".
179. Dresses on the rack, trimmed in lace and frills.
180. Western-ish fare for lunch, hamburger steak and fries. 

Friday, 9 AM

Happy morning! Saw Yunho in the hallway and he walked toward me with one hand raised in a curved pose that I recognized--half of a heart. I quickly figured out the counter-sign and touched his hand with my own half-heart as we passed, neatly as if we'd practiced it.

A minute later, I passed Soonhyuk, who looked upset and demanded in Korean, "with Yunho, did you do this, this, this?" He held up a half-heart hand and pointed to a smiling Yunho down the
hall. I said I had and Soonhyuk stomped off to say something fussy to Yunho.

On the walk to school, I had a really nice talk with one of SG's homeroom boys, Jinman, who stayed by my side for a long time and was excellent company.

Got 5 classes today-- 3 regular, then lunch, followed by 2 conversation classes, but I quite look forward to it--I'm privileged to get to do it.

Saturday, 1 PM: I was standing at the train station platform in my home town, reading "Catcher in The Rye," as I waited for the train. It's a book about a teenage boy who can't connect with anybody--he keeps trying to talk to people, and nobody listens or truly sees him, no matter how hard he tries.

I nearly jumped a foot off the ground when I heard a voice directly behind me say, "Spoilers; nobody talks to him."  It was one of my guy-friends in town, who had managed to sneak up and wittily comment on my literary selection instead of just saying "boo". It was a pretty awesome moment, I have to say.

 And my shopping expedition to Myeongdong is going well. I like wading through the aisles and racks to find MY colors, patterns, fabrics, cuts. It's soothing.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

3-12-15 Phones Confuse Her, and #Thanks14

161. The pretty face of my dear friend, SG, who is a dear ally in class.
162. The kindness of my vice principal.
163. Cracking myself up, preparing to relate a new joke to friends.
164. Warm inside-shoes at school. I Gary to stay toasty and insulated for another few weeks.
165. Knowing that while we're in Lion-March now (as in, March comes in like a lion), Lamb-March is not far away.
166. Emily Dickinson poetry, written by me on the whiteboard of the English room.
167. People who make anagrams for fun.
168. Strawberries for lunch, a red surprise.
169. Minhee's loud, brash voice blaring "hellooo!" While smiling sweetly.
170. SY's thinking about me, reminding me that we've got a vacation coming up.

11 AM: First two classes went fine. Darling 2nd grades, then quiet 3rd-graders, except for Jongyoon, who couldn't be quiet if his life depended on it. He was a bit annoying, but me and SG still handled things fine.

In funny news, JY is gone today, to take care of something, and when her desk phone rang I answered it haltingly, not sure of phone etiquette. I asked our vice principal how to answer the phone, like what set Korean phrases to use, and he said I didn't need to worry about it.

He solved my problem by sending out a message to every teacher in the school, asking them not to call JY's phone because I am there by myself, and I'm perplexed about how to answer.

It's exactly the kind of thing that would have mortified me once upon a time. But now I just has the reaction of surpressing wild laughter, because it's pretty funny that I'm a single woman earning my own living half a world away from my family, but to the older men in my life, I'm someone who needs to be protected from the hardships of phone-answering. It was awfully sweet of him, and I treasure that level of kindness.

1 PM : Lunch over, and it's right lonely without JY here. In 30 minutes, I'll be teaching SG's homeroom with her, which sounds fun.

Passed Jongyoon in the hallway, ducked out of an attempted hug-ambush from him, only to have Gyuhee do the same thing, only Gyuhee refused to be turned aside. Normally, if let him have one because Gyuhee is sweet as pie, but at the time there were older Guy-Teachers coming down the hall and I didn't want to look like a pushover.

So when I couldn't physically move him, I told him to quit, and that made him move. Gyuhee is a gentleman at heart.

2:30 PM: Had class with SG's homeroom! Suuuuuuper cute. And one of the tiny ones remembered me saving him last week. I saw a tall 1st-grader teasing an unfathomably small child by keeping his phone away, holding it just out of reach.

I could tell that it was done between at least acquaintances and possibly friend--they seemed to know each other and there was no fear or anger. But I could sense that the little guy was reaching his limit. I told the tall one to stop, so he did.

The little one is Seungwoo, and he told me in Korean, "You helped me." So. Sweet.

Also in that class is Youngmin, an unfailingly polite student with mild autism. He wanted to shake my hand many times and to ask me if I know how to sing Arirang. I do!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

3-11-15 Why So Pretty and #Thanks13

Thank List:

151. Wise words from my mother.
152. Having a mirror that matches JY's--we bought 2 little desk mirrors.
153. Governor Yunho, always winking and blowing kisses, being his beautifully wacky and charming self.
154. The scald of a hot coffee cup, on the front and backs of hands.
155. Jaehoon, his glowing little face lighting up the office.
156. A note from one of King Sejong's famous letters to the people, hand-scratched by Jeongminnie and delivered to me. It's the equivalent of writing out the Gettysburg address and passing it along to your Spanish teacher.
157. Learning that Korean wasn't always written left-to-right like English. It used to be up-to-down on the page, like Chinese. It changed over recently--JY's mom used to read up-and-down books in school.
158. Finding Seven Brides for Seven Brothers GIFS on the internet. It's probably my favorite musical (splitting time with Singin' in the Rain, My Fair Lady, and The Sound of Music.). Reminds me of childhood.
159. Silver shiny sequins on the bag I carry to class. Reflection, illumination.
160. Brave 2nd-graders, making conversation on the porch while watching the soccer game.

10:20 AM

Slept a little in the English room and now I feel better. I was not in the best mood this morning, and rest seems to improve everything.

I think a lot of my goal for this school year will simply be staying well-rested enough to get classes handled.

11:26 AM

First and only class went well, had nice 3rd-graders. Jonghyuk is a smart kid I've seen around town a lot, but I've never taught him until now. He and Guitar-Sanghwi understood basically everything I said. Yunho was Yunho. Everyone was pretty well entertained by the film and the discussion.

1 PM
After lunch, I stood outside and watched the soccer game while various 2nd-graders came by to chat. I talked with Byeong-il, Jaehoon, Dohyun, Dongchann, Joongsu, Jeongmook, Hansem and more. It was fun, despite the cold, and there were several more low-levels who got comfortable enough to come around and make a few comments.

Dohyun gave me his extra fruit juice cup, and I  really appreciated the gesture.


2 PM

One of the 1st grade babies followed me up the stairs asking, "Why are you so pretty?" In Korean. Dawwww. We proceeded to have a conversation about his previous  elementary school's native teacher, all in Korean. What I figure happened was the little ones spread the word that I understand some Korean, and over time, kids began to understand 'some' as 'all'.

4 PM

Another small horde of 1st-graders came into the English room busy as I was leaving. They were there to clean the place, but their main order of business was to find out how old I was. I told them it's a secret, since I've stopped telling the kids my age.

I used to think complete disclosure was helpful, but it turns out the kids are plenty happy without the knowledge.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

3-10-15 Thunderous Applause and #Thanks12

7 PM:   Back home and feeling not too shabby. Today was not so tiring and the kids keep getting impossibly sweeter.

8:30 AM

Whew, I'm still feeling the sleepies. Yesterday, I took a nap at 5:30, then went to bed again at 10, and I didn't exercise and still it wasn't enough rest.

It's also super super chilly this morning. I wrapped up way more than yesterday and still feel the gale force intensity of it. But now I'm in the nice safe office.

Today's not so bad--just for classes with my much-loved 2nd graders, and tomorrow there's only one class! I ought to be well and truly recovered after tonight, I should think. And I need to regroup for the weekend, if I can--get ready to going on the Seoul shopping expedition I had put off.

"March comes in like a lion what else? Still the snow never melts. you're about to forget the whole thing. All at once, one day it's spring."

11 AM:

Had the cutest class ever with 1st grade. So far, the 1st-graders have been quite enthused to see me for the first time, but they've been less moonpie-in-the-sky crazy about me than their counterparts from last year. That might be about to change.

First grade class 5, SY's homeroom, were loud and chipper. They went fully banana sandwich when I entered the class and erupted several times throughout. Deafening applause when I wrote my name on the board in Korean. Further applause when it was discovered that I could actually speak and understand quite a bit of their language.

Near the end of the class, several of them tentatively asked me a question about future classes. I wasn't exactly sure what they wanted to know, or why five of the loudest kids in the class suddenly looked timid and careful. SG figured out that they wanted to know if I was teaching A-levels next week.

As soon as they learned that I am, they had a collective meltdown. Their cries of joy were so loud, I jumped back. It's going to be a fun ride with these little ones.

Met Yunho in the hallway. He held my arm and wouldn't let me go for a couple seconds, stopping my progress down the hall, just to show he could. Yes verily, Yunho, you are so big and so strong, how could we ever have doubted it.

Also, saw Clever-Sunwoo, my graduated student, on the walk to school this morning! So nice.

4:20  PM

Had a great last two classes. Second-graders in class 3 and class 5. And for the future I'll know that little Hansen in 5 will go Looney-Tunes crazy if he's not receiving attention at all times.

I really like Hansem, though. We were late in bonding last year because I didn't realize he WANTED to bond. Also I've got Jeonghwan in the class, wearer of braces, shouter of compliments, and general sweetie pie.

Thank List:

 141.  Sungjae, one of our special needs students, giving me a hug this morning.
142. Hair that tucks behind my ears. It's light enough now to do that.
143. Giving and receiving support with JY--Monday is my hard day and Tuesday is hers, but we both understand the other's hardships and react  accordingly.
144. Long sweater and leggings combo,  makes me feel very 60's while wearing it. And also kind of like a Charlie Brown character for some reason.
145. Warm body, cool face.
146.Practicing lyrics for a new song to sing at noraebang.
147. Still having the red cloth rose given to me by Minjoonie at graduation. Reminder of much-adored kids.
148. Nails almost long enough to get done again. Looking forward to it and considering patterns.
149.  Ddeok, fresh cakes of it waiting on the table in the big office. There are 20 varieties of ddeok, and all of them are filling. 
150. God's word, which I don't fully appreciate yet, but I want to. I warmth to know more.

Signing off! And tomorrow as always, I will make it my mission to:

Monday, March 9, 2015

3-9-15 This is the Tired-est Me I've Ever Been, Convo Class, and #Thanks11

4:30 PM    Okay, that tagline might be an exaggeration, but I'm really quite deflated.

It turns out, not only do I have 4 classes back-to-back on Monday (Most I've ever had before was 3 back-to-back and THAT felt like running sprints), I have the 2 Convo Classes immediately after lunch.

That means I have 6 classes on Monday, with only a 1-hour lunch to break up the constant throb of engaging attention and eliciting responses.

I do love my job and I had a reaaaaally good day, but I'll have to make sure I get super-extra-more sleep on Sunday nights to prepare for this marathon. In fact, I think I'm going to nap in a few minutes.

NG has gotten his light fixed, and we got to talk about last Friday's staff meeting. Last year, I was always asking what went on in the staff meetings because I wasn't invited and I wondered how things were decided at our school. My curiosity is over--these meetings are very dry and last for a whole hour, during which you have to sit very still. NG says he usually falls asleep, and suggests that I bring a book to read during the next meeting, to avoid the same fate.

Today, a 3rd-grade Chanhee who had always been hard for me to teach (he was in the Giant Class), was really grand in class. A good talker, full of ideas and responses.

Sehong touches my arm every time he walks by, which habit I think he got from me. Because I tend to squeeze elbows or tap shoulders as I walk past.

Another Chanhee, 2nd-grade Neighborhood Chanhee (so called because he lives near me and I see him all the time), was grand in Convo Class. He's C-level, but he's fun and charming and tries so hard.

Baby 1st-graders are getting brave. Introductions and love confessions are happening, usually at the same time. Some of these kids are literally small enough to fit into my backpack.

Here be the Thank List!

131. Sparkly blue shirt as part of the day's ensemble.
132. Not having to wear a  scarf this morning because it's pleasant-cold not painful-cold.
133. The dizzy-but-accomplished feeling of having taught 4 classes back-to-back. Didn't know I could do that.
134. The enthusiasm of the new 1st-graders, their jumpy, snappy joy.
135. The face of Jeongheon, a 3rd grader who smiles like an angel and who brightened my morning.
136. Mystery meat patties at lunch. You may be chicken, you may be shrimp, you may be possum, but you are most certainly comforting to me.
137. Meeting Proposal Heejoon's baby brother in the 1st grade. Same daaaarling eyes and ears.
138. Rough wild howling outside, literally rattling the windows, with me safe inside.
139. New highly-likables in my Convo Class.  I'm pretty sure they transferred from another school because I don't recall them from last year.
140. Kids in the hallways, giggling over inside jokes.


Sunday, March 8, 2015

3-8-15 #Thanks10

8:45 PM:

Today was nice. Hung out with the Yoochiboo at church (had more English practice sessions with Hanmi and Yejoon, who has learned the meaning of "lion"). Got fed fruit gummies by Chaemin, my baby who is literally 20 months old and is too young to be with the preschoolers, but we're all richer for having her around anyway.

Tomorrow starts convo class, whee!

Annnnd Thank List:

121. Delicious chilled boiled cabbage, cooked last night. I don't know if anyone gets as excited about cabbage as I do.
122. Our Korean pastor's prayer IN ENGLISH for new English worship services. It was very thoughtful and touching.
123. Wearing size 6 jeans today. Yes. 6. It took a lot of hard work to get there and it's very satisfying.
124. The almost-spring weather today. Soon I shall have to put away my leopard-spotted snow boots.
125. Realizing I've streamlined my footwear to 7 pairs, if you count the pair of inside shoes that lives in my school locker. There's  something nice about it all being simple like that. All my shoes are comfortable, too. And cute.
126. Lint rollers, instantly rendering black dresses presentable.
127. Being able to quickly text my mom pictures of the outfits I'm putting together to wear next week, to get her affirmation that the turtleneck which I think goes with that jumper does, in fact, go with that jumper.
128. More new college girls at bible study! We'll just have them for this semester, through to July, but it's always nice to meet people who love Jesus.
129. Bread and peanut butter for my Monday convo class, purchased at Paris Baguette and placed in a jaunty little bag.
130. A gift for my tutor, wrapped and ready for Wednesday. Something to show her my appreciation for her guidance.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

3-7-14 #Thanks9

9 PM:  Thank List.

111. My food processor, which has the power to make ice cream! Go, little engine. Churn away.
112. Staying in on a Saturday, choosing to chill and recoup energy instead of going to Seoul.
113. The easy availability of Korean subtitles for films, which allows me to present films-as-literature to my kids, with them having built-in  comprehension.
114. Pecans. My granddaddy used to have pecan trees, so when I eat them, I feel comforted and wholesome and full.
115. Working up just a slight sweat after a one-hour workout, under the AC. Even in cool temperatures, I'm gettin'  it done!
116. Deciding to teach my conversation class like a lit class and getting really excited about every aspect of planning for it.
117. Empty laundry basket, all the clothes cleaned and hung up to dry.
118. Purple ink on the page.
119. John Green's video explain last year's conflict between the Ukraine and Russia. The more you know.
120. Writing a list of all the ingredients we'll need for our convo/baking class. Thinking of all we can make, all we can do.

'Twas a good day. Just tons of exercise, cooking, cleaning and lesson-planning. Totally productive and happy. :-)

Friday, March 6, 2015

3-6-15 How Long I've Been Here, #Thanks8 and Sehong-Charming

10:30 PM:  Good day! Here's the Thank List:

101. New baby students whispering furtively, trying to figure out who I am. The surprise and wonder as they arrive at the only possible answer: I'm their new English teacher.
102. Reconciling a difficult matter with a friend, knowing we'll be okay after discussion and forgiveness.
103. Cream-colored turtleneck, tucked neatly under my jumper, the white and black patterned one I wrote with my clear-lens glasses last Halloween.
104. Wind biting gently this morning, not the vicious sting of previous days--March comes in like a lion.
105. Crisp bits of office donut, delivered as a present to JY from her much-loved former students.
106. Chanyoung, laughing over snow.
107. HS's blue sweater, which is totally her color and makes her look buoyant.
108. A drawing I still have from my graduated student Jungbok, which is a stack of cartoon pumpkins for Halloween, drawn with friendly faces.
109. banana "nice cream" which is nothing but frozen bananas run through a food processor and which has the beautiful, perfect consistency of ice cream. Yesterday's late-night treat.

110. the nostalgia of listening to a k-pop song that I first heard back when I was preparing to come to Korea. I first started looking up Korean stuff in September 2011. I'd decided to go there by November and mom gave her blessing in December 2011. I came to Korea in August 2013, and now it's March 2015...I've been in my dream-country for as long as I dreamed about my dream-country. It feels kind of like those people whose marriage has lasted as long as their pre-married life. (just realizing that my dad has been married to my mom for over 50% of his total life.) ALSOOOO...I taught in America fall 2011, all 2012 and the beginning of 2013, and I've taught in Korea fall 2013, all 2014, and the start of 2015. My work experience levels in the two countries are. Exactly. The. Same. o_0

10:50 AM.   Had a good first class. It was noisy 3rd-graders, but we got along well. For the first time, I really had to tell them to quiet down and get into place, but they did comply just fine and we settled into a good movie.

One of the kids called me a ghost, and I wasn't sure if it might not be some kind of a racial slur, but according to JY it isn't. It's just that Korean ghosts are typically females with long hair, which fits my description.

And that particular kid just wanted attention--he later turned into the best question-answerer I had, despite being C-level.

One of the Tall Babies--Sangbin--sat in the back and quietly explained the plot to his friend, as he was one of the only kids who had seen it before.

(I used to mentally refer to Sangbin and Sehong as The Tall Babies because they were both about 6'1 in only the second grade. But after a lot of persistence, Sehong graduated to being My Sehong.)

And Chanyeong was in this class. He quite liked The Chronicles of Narnia, and he couldn't stop laughing with joy when Lucy first encountered the snowy branches in the wardrobe.

I heard that I have 2nd grade conversation class starting today, and I find that frustrating because it wasn't supposed to start until Monday, but it'll all work out.

1 PM:  Good news; I don't have to have conversation class today. HS will just take role and we'll class plan, and that will be that. Nice and easy!

Also, I may be at the center of another minor turf war between 3rd-graders. I accidentally ignored Sehong in the lunch line and squeezed Soonhyuk's hand right in front of him. It's a big lunch line, I'm walking by quickly, and I can only resister so many faces and make so many greetings as I walk by, so I inadvertantly skipped him.

But Sehong isn't the kind to let such things slide. As soon as I walked back into the main building, he emerged from a gaggle of friends, and headed straight for me. Before I knew what was happening, he'd gone in for a side-hug/Prince-Charming-style one-handed waist grab. That's a new one.  I just patted his back and said hi while extricating myself from the embrace, and thanking God that I was wearing my winter coat, for maximum distance.

As I walked away, he said "bye, my darling!" and behind me I heard some other boy retort, "no, MY darling!!!"

Thus it begins.

3 PM: Had the best meeting ever with HS, and we worked out something fantastic for next week's conversation classes. Luckily, the Monday class and the Friday class are different kids, so we can repeat the same lesson twice in week.

Add to that, we restart the class in May after 8 weeks, so that further fixes things. Whee!


Thursday, March 5, 2015

3-5-15 #Thanks7 and the Glories of Solo-Teaching

8:30 PM

Good day! Here's the Thank List.

91. Sehong, who calls me darling, then when asked to define "darling" says it means "my wife"!
92. Technology Teacher coming in to fix the computer in 3-11 for me. Everything ran smoothly after that.
93. my jumper dress with hearts on it. I'm starting to love heart-patterned anything.
94. Having a really good conversation class plan--detailed enough to be well prepared, but loose enough to allow for input and changes.
95. Being THIS CLOSE to getting another good native teacher for my school's Saturday program. I want my kids to have somebody smart and sweet, so I'm laboring to connect with the best girls I know.
96. Figuring out the perfect method for eating a giant apple in the English room--more complicated than you might believe.
97. JY working tirelessly on preparations for the gifted class, comparing schedules, making calls like a diligent woman who gets stuff done.
98. Squishy baby 1st graders and their darlingness.
99. Office coffee, simple little stick coffee mix that smells and tastes so homey. Korea-homey, which is distinct from America-homey, homie.
100. Having plenty of practice time to get used to the CD's for the new classes. Getting comfortable, getting familiar.

Hello autmn! | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

11:23 AM

Had good first classes. Early morning 2nd graders were pretty silent, but that's mostly because a lot of quiet kids were stacked in one class. We did okay, and my next class was even better.

I had 3rd grade with SG, and the room was charming. I had Sparkly Yeonghan, Criminal Beomjoon, Hyunho, my Sehong, and a ton of other well-known ones. They cheered when I walked in,  then cheered for SG, and were just generally fun.

It was good to see SG because it was our first class together. We both lamented the fact that we only have 2 classes together this semester, because last year we had 3, then 8, which was ample time for us to get close.

She observed the glorious truth that the 3rd graders seemed to have transformed into much more mature versions of themselves. They are almost invariably charming and delightful, and I'm so pleased to see them grow into young men with good attitudes.

This morning, NG was waiting for me at the crosswalk, already standing there at the railing so we could have our morning talk. His homeroom is fine, but something's wrong with the electrical wiring in there and he temporarily doesn't have lights. We laughed a bit over quirks in our schedules, and it was just a nice way to start the morning.

3:30 PM

Taught the 1st grade babies for the first time! Cute and super sweet. Thus far, they are not the wild adoring fan boys of last year, but I've still not encountered them en masse yet. But I did manage a classroom of 24 of them okay by myself.

I was by myself because I have one coworker who doesn't attend class. It's.... Just the way things are. It's not especially annoying, but it's  interesting because there's no way I could have handled an entire homeroom of mostly low-level babies if I hasn't had a lot of Korean to start with.

Any wimble-womble, I'm fine and the class was charming. I think it might have actually been more fun to have them all alone, and I think I'll have some decent strategies for teaching the tiny ones in the future.

Talked more to NG at lunch: it's not his classroom light that exploded, it was his house light, which is rather more of a problem.

Vice provincial came over to talk to mm me and JY about a recent film that he and I had seen. It was a pretty good convo and I appreciate him making a point of connecting.

 i would love to sit out on one of those stepping stones and savor the sunset view.. gorgeous! <3

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

3-4-15 #Thanks6, Crosswalks, and Heejoon

7:30 PM:

Thank List, then writing from earlier today!

81. The last of the green-tea KitKats from Japan, sweet bits brought home from Narita airport.
82. Knowing that there's two giant bowls full of cooked veggies (broccoli and spinach) waiting for me in my fridge back home thanks to a lot of industrious veggie-cooking the night before.
83. Purchased tickets to Seoul this weekend, for a little shopping excursion, and the possible purchase of oats.
84. Heejoon, his unfailing sweetness and fun personality. How precious to have him around.
85. Knowing that I'll be able to get snacks for my conversation class boys in the future, figuring out a way to get good and necessary things to them.
86. Mango lotion at my desk, the smooth-scented perfect remedy for cold-cracked hands.
87. Covers of well-known songs, styled into another genre. Unexpectedness paid with the familiar.
88. The (joking) fuss put up by the older guy teachers when Jeongminnie and Hyunho both came to the big office to fetch me.
89. Warm ears. This is the coldest day of March, and the wind is nippy, but indoors you can feel all your extremities and know you are well.
90. My wall at home, covered in cute letters and notes from friends and students.

10 AM:   Had the nicest talk with NG this morning. He paused his crossing guard duties and walked over so we could chat about school. We both start teaching from the book next week and he was talking about his ideas for teaching the 2nd grade B-levels by himself. Unfortunately, the new schedule says that I've got the 2nd-grade A levels with another co, while NG has B-level.

But he's got cool plans for them, so it'll all be alright. And it's nice to know that while I was feeling bummed at having no classes with NG, this morning neatly proved that we're both gonna be just fine this semester. Not having any joint classes doesn't mean we won't still see each other--if nowhere else, then at least at the crosswalk every morning.


11:30 AM:

Teaching 3rd graders like a boss!

Wooo! Disco-ball sky-glitter woooo!

I had 3-6 by myself, but they were lovely. I wasn't sure whether they would be, but Proposal-Heejoon is in there and he loves me. As is Sangyeop, who is a truly good heart, and a handful of other well-liked ones.

We had a very happy, comfortable class of us chatting and laughing, and Heejoon telling me that my letter A's look like Q's, then telling me that my spelling mistakes are cute.

We had fun, and I think I got more connections with kids I'd previously not known.


3 PM:

And another excellent class passes. This one I also had alone, but we did fine. At first they were quiet and not so involved but then they picked up and were sitting on the edge of their seats. It was pretty hilarious to hear their commentary on the movie.

I had a lovely time with the 3rd graders. How sweet and how fun to be their teacher.

Jeongminnie now has a plant-buying hobby, he tells me. He buys tiny growing herbs like thyme and mint for his mom to use in recipes. Right now, everything he really wants to buy doesn't properly bloom until May, so he'll be obliged to wait a bit before continuing his hobby.

This was a right cold day, but I think it's all warmer weather from here on out. :-)

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

3-3-15 Wheeeee 2nd-Graders!, #Thanks5 and Charming-Voice

7:30 PM

Well, sorrow lasts for a night but joy comes in the morning, doesn't it?


I said I feel better. I no longer have the sads. After an atrocious Monday, Tuesday was right lovely. Here's what I wrote in the afternoon, Thank List, then anecdotes:

71. My snack-apple, giant and red and delicious and perfect. Sustenance that tastes like sunshine.
72. The bookcase JY got for me--desk doesn't look messy anymore!
73. My new locker, which not only allows for further decluttering of my desk, but is also the first locker I've ever had and which even has my name on it. It makes me feel safe to have a locker--not sure why.
74. HS being sweet to me, finding me a room key when I locked my stuff in.
75. Toasty-warm English room to rest in, handy for maps and study and thankful thinking. My peaceful spot.
76. SY, her joy upon seeing me, making me welcomed. May I do the same for others.
77. Meat at lunch! So much meat, and tasty tasty pajeon, the green onion pancakes cooked up all golden.
78. Finally seeing my Jeongminnie's face in the lunch line after missing him yesterday.
79. New nametag on my desk, a cute font with a little green tree on it. This is my desk! It's me! This is where I'm planted!
80. My apple corer-peeler-slicer arriving. future healthy snacks for the kids.

Not too bad of a morning! Had one class with HS where I tried out my new idea of playing a film and doing commentary through it, asking questions and then having everybody recap the show afterwards.

Went pretty well. Had some sleepers, but that's fine because the first week doesn't really count anyway--we start in the book from next week.

I had several low-level boys who I'd never met  answering questions in Korean. It was great to know that they'd understood the English just fine.

At lunch, I went up to SY's office and we went to lunch together. She had to leave early though, because hilariously, the baby 1st-graders don't know how to find the lunch room, how to queue up for food once they're there, or where to sit once they have their food. So SY will have no free time with me for a month, but we can start sneaking in hangout time in April.

Me and JY walked around the soccer field twice and! AND! anñnnnd! The back half of the soccer field adjoins the high school next door, so we saw our boys!!!

Ahhhh! Aghhhgh! Fsjtsgjgydjjfarshsggblagh!

I saw Geon, Yonghan, Soccer Minwoo, Minsu, Cheolho, Hojin, Woojin, and my Minjoonie. I nearly split my face from smiling--the sweetest thing ever. JY yelled greetings to her kids, I yelled to mine, and everyone was joyous.

And on our next lap around the soccer field, we were greeted by boys we didn't know, so it's fair to say that a lot of the people in the school were inspired to get in on the reunion act.

I spent a couple of morning hours in the English room, writing Emily Dickinson poetry on the whiteboard and getting in some rest. I felt a it more calm and peaceful after putting my head down for a little while. Sweet, healing sleep, and the reminder that everything is in God's hands.

He's Got The Whole Bunny In His Hands. 
(And I'm the Bunny.)


7:37 PM:

So actually that "fine" first class with the 2nd-graders was the worst one of the day and my next two classes were killer awesome woo-woo strobelight!

The first class was not as good because I went in feeling stressed. I had no computer key, I wasn't sure I was in the right room, and I wasn't sure who would be me co for the class, all of which had me bummed. My attitude influenced the outcome.

But for the next two classes, the kids went wild when I entered the door. These were my loved ones from last year, my 1st-grade buddies grown into midsize. Each time, I chatted with the whole room before HS got there, and half the kids (the low-level ones who I've never taught) kept exclaiming in shock and murmuring in awe that I was using Korean. I guess a larger portion than i think has never heard me do it.

We watched our movie, pausing for questions, and they were INTO it. Both classes were clever and involved and I had the best time ever.

And I got the cutest/weirdest compliment from Giseok, who has always loved me. I was chatting to the room and he slumped over his desk and said in Korean, "Ughhh, her voice is so charming. Ahhh..." I was shocked into silence at that one. Another kid explained, "Very very good voice, teacher." Funny how nice you can sound when you're happy and resting peacefully in the company of your kids.

So I taught three homeroom classes today, and from next week we'll divide into levels and I ought to have level A in the English Room, which is a big win for me. 

2nd-grader Minsang texted me today (and got in a phonecall, too--he's actually one of the few kids that want to talk on the phone). He said that his friends all think I look exactly like a doll, but he apologetically admitted that he told them I only look somewhat like a doll.  He includes tear-filled emojis to let me know his deep grief over not complimenting me highly enough.

After our 3rd class together, HS came over and hugged me and said in awe, "You're a good teacher!" I was stunned and bubbling over with happiness. This is the first time she's seen me in my element, truly connecting and reveling in opening students' minds, But I don't want relief to turn to pride in my accomplishment--I can't let anything nasty in!

Walk on, give thanks to God, stay peaceful, and be ready to be surprised by joy.
