I'm doing a thing where I'm trying to eat extra-super-more-clean, changing little bits of my daily intake. I changed out my morning packet of processed soup for oatmeal--just oats and water and a little sugar.
I haven't had soda (diet or otherwise) or an artificially sweetened drink in 2 weeks. I've been really leveling up my amount of water, taking two bottles with me to school everyday, which is extra nice because I can share it since the kids are often thirsty in class due to the warm weather. Because it's

And being the start of summer, we're always on the edge of Quite Uncomfortably Warm. I've traded out the light-fabric cardigans I wear over my dresses (because in Korea we don't wear sleeveless dresses by themselves--it's a workplace fashion no-no) for thread-thin cardigans that are mostly see-through. I also sometimes take my feet out of my slip-on shoes in class because even having a strap over the top of my foot is too confining and too hot. It's toasty.
Classes are lovely. My boys are darrrrling. They are the best. Nothing is cuter or fun-er or nicer than them. Kyeonghun is drawing Spiderman characters everywhere, Changho is constantly guilt-tripping me about letting the potted flower that he gave me for me birthday die, Kyeongpil sends me photos of his own little cupcake baking projects, JH chats happily to me about every little thing that goes through his mind, and Dongjoo says he's going to marry someone like me someday.

Cute As The Goat's Pajamas.
One of my friends is worried that she and I will be transferred out of our respective schools after this semester instead of after this full year, and I'm afraid to say that I've let that worry infect me a little.
I mean, my school is my home here. I have friends and solidly designed classes and an uncountable number or beautiful children. It would hurt me terribly to leave them.
However, after talking with the Lord, I realized that there's been no indication that I'll have to move schools in August, and even if/when I have to go somewhere else, it's in God's hands. I've asked to remain where I am--if he moves me, it's not an accident, it's His will.
Cooking class on Friday was the first I've had in over two weeks due to the heat, and there were forty zillion tiny problems with it.

Basically, It Faceplanted.
My kiddoes added too much baking soda to the cookies which made the treats expand into a massive puddle that wouldn't cook, and one of my boys burned his forearm. But that particular boy shyly asked me if we would be cooking again next week, and if so, whether he could help out again. And then it struck me than no matter how much of a disaster I thought the lesson was, my little guys were happy with it.
I bought new bedding today. Clean, puffy, fresh. Also, I bought proper cheeses and learned the difference between Brie and Camembert (Brie is light and buttery and infinitely tastier, although the two cheeses look identical on the outside).
I still study language at least one hour every day, but usually more. It's paying off in little ways.
These days, I talk more directly to the Lord. And I've stopped sending up, "Would you please fix this problem I have, you know, if you have time, but I'll totally understand if you ignore this prayer." kind of prayers. Those were ungrateful and passive-aggressive, basically telling God that I didn't think he could fix anything, so I wasn't getting my hopes up for his response. How silly!

There, There, Little Penguin. Fret Not.
So I definitely feel more secure when I talk to God out loud instead of mentally grumbling the equivalent of terse text messages at him. He loves me! He's got good things planned for me! This I know. :-)