9:20 AM Today is Face-Yoonjae's birthday, so I took a can of pizza-flavored Pringles, some chocolate, and a hand-drawn Hello Kitty card down to his classroom. Every time he and I see each other, we mourn his dropping from A-class to B-class because it means we don't have classes together anymore.
C-Jeongmin came by the office to tap my arm and then walk away, pretending like he hadn't.
Walked to school with sweet little sniffly 1st-grade baby Jonghan, who said hi to my mom on the phone.
HH and Yonghan stopped by to ask me to confirm the spelling of the word "murder". Charming thoughts, boys.
Today's schedule looks good--2nd, 4th, 5th and 7th periods. That ain't bad, not at all.
11 AM: First class was okay. 2-1, 2-2 was very calm while we had to do our boring memorization stuff. Beomjoon decided to make a stand and not learn his piece, but I decided that Beomjoon learning his piece was a hill on which to die, and I got him to do it. Eh, I wasn't angry exactly but foots were put down in a way that I can't put foots down for the giant class.
My baby Soonhyuk kept sneaking back up to the front of the class to type things into the note I'd put up about their writing assignment. He wrote "nononono" and "goodgoodgoodgood" and then the word I use most when speaking with him: "move". He did it all with his serious I-Am-A-Grown-Man face, so it was all the more funny, like adding words to my memo screen was an act of mature defiance.
Soonhyuk likes to get a million percent attention, and I'd been forking over too much attention to Beomjoon, the prodigal who, as Soonhyuk pointed out, couldn't even be bothered to memorize his dialogue. I tried to fuss over Soonhyuk as well, but his pouty/seriousness remained. Yongmoon wrote some great sentences, as did Yosep.
3rd-graders are taking a national listening test now.