Well, it's only the 3rd-graders having midterms today, so I did have to sort of babysit the 2nd-graders through a class this morning. Some of them studied while H-Sol and I talked. She's precious and we again got a little bit closer after some good conversation. She and I both recently enjoyed the same musical, so we got to chat about that.
Hyunmin spent a fair bit of 2-5, 2-6 class fending off marker attacks from Laryngitis-Seonghoon, who kept making tiny black marks on Hyunmin's white shirt. Hyunmin kept looking to me for recognition of the wrongs done to him and I backed him up, telling Seonghoon to quit. Hyunmin wants more attention than I give him, and I intend to remedy that. I always pay attention to Seonghoon and I see Hyunmin watching like he's not sure how to get similar treatment.
The banana bread I made last night is FANTASTIC! I made 4 little pans of it, two plain banana bread and two with peanut butter added. So far, one pan has been eaten entirely, mostly by Deokryong, who sat down and went to town on the bread with the tiny fork. And by Jungbom, a bigger kid from KBR's class.
I'm thankful that I had enough made to feed near-infinite amounts of students. 2nd period is happening now, and I expect another crowd of kids to roll in soon.

10:54 AM Well.
I predicted that my little guys would eat most of the banana bread, but I couldn't have foreseen this:

They ate three pans in less than ten minutes. THREE PANS IN LESS THAN TEN MINUTES. Six boys mainly did this: Jungbom, HH, Yonghan, Minjoon, Jaeyeong, and 3rd-Jeongmin. And Jeongil, Tan-Minsu, Twin-Seungho, and C-Jeongmin and Saturday-Jeongmin tried some, and I got Seongwonnie to get a bite even though he'd turned down some earlier in the morning.
I'll make more for tomorrow, I guess.
I'm just...surprised, and then I'm surprised that I'm surprised at how much they ate.
The boys don't just eat, they lay waste to food. If food was a village, they'd raid it and set its thatched-roof cottages on fire. Eating is something they don't stop doing for basically any reason. It would take a supermodel or a natural disaster to distract them from their munching, and even imagining an interruption from those sources is a stretch.
I had to keep pushing Jungbom back, though. With the amount of eating he did, I calculate that he ate an entire pan by himself, which is a little too much considering how many kids I was trying to feed. And he wouldn't stop when I told him to--I had to keep a hand on his shoulder to deter him.
Is it possible that he was actually that hungry? Jungbom is one of the few outright obese kids at school, though being roundish doesn't mean a kid isn't hungry. Though surely a whole pan of banana bread is enough to take the edge off anybody's hunger without trying for more?
Anyhoodle, if I make another round of 4 pans for tomorrow, I'll have to just hand one to Jungbom and send him off with it. I can't turn him away from the food, and he can't set any kind of normal limit for himself, so I'll have to think of something else.
But all the boys said the bread was good, and it was very heavy, and thus stomach-filling, more like a breakfast food than a snack. They were all very surprised than I had baked it because not a lot of baking goes on in Korea. It makes me happy to see them full. I got a little fist-bump from Minjoonie, who couldn't contain his beaming happiness over the bread.
Deokryong's cast is off his arm, now!