Yesterday, we had our end-of-term English teachers' dinner and it was GRAND. No matter how well we know each other, these things are usually awkward, but yesterday was just perfect.
It was B-Teacher's final dinner with everybody, and his brief speech to everybody were about how he had always heard stories about Americans having awful relationships with their co-teachers, but how that had definitely never been the case for him in our school. He worked here for three years and now he's going home to the states permanently, but it was a good experience all around.
I'm glad I finally figured our how to be fun and funny with B-Teacher. Because even though he and I were at opposite ends of a table of 8 people, I was able to joke with him and prompt him to tell stories of his that I knew would be entertaining. Our whole table was laughing a ton, and it was just a good atmosphere all around.
On the 26th of this month, there will be one more farewell dinner for every teacher who's transferring elsewhere, which will be KBR's actual last day. I gave her a present and a cutely folded letter yesterday, so I'll need to get something for YSR for the 26th, because she's the only person I'm close to who will be leaving.
Today is Friday and I've just been exercising and cooking all day. This is the life. Last night, me and AM-Friend (an American) went shopping at Homeplus (similar to WalMart) and got some kitchen stuff. Lately, she and I are obsessed with kitchen appliances and can spend long stretches of time debating the merits of various kitchen implements.
We are hardcore devotees of this phase of our grown-up lives: the Taking Charge of Your Edibles phase. Our tiny kitchens are our fields of battle.
Also, Our Dance Spaces.
Conversational debate example: I have a mini-oven, but she has a mini convection oven, which means she can cook high-heat items like biscuits. So it makes me want a convection oven, but let's be honest, I'm not going to have a pressing need for a quarter ton of biscuits anytime soon, so that leads us to chat about cooking needs vs. wants.
Plus, I bought myself a microwave which I use constantly, meaning that I have two heaty-uppy kitchen gadgets to use when necessary, while AM-Friend just has the one oven, so six in one hand, a half-dozen int he other.
We're planning to go to Homeplus for weekly grocery trips next semester, allowing ourselves to plan meals in advance and allowing me to try out some new healthy-eating ideas I've been getting from tumblr.
For example, I want to start packing my own salads in wide-mouthed mason jars.

Like So.
I'm really taken with the idea of glass containers, because unlike plastic, they don't stain, and they're supposed to be healthier for you because glass doesn't erode into your food and plastic does, albeit in small quantities. In addition, glass is supposed to preserve crispness better; so long as you put the dressing on the bottom and the lettuce on the top,
And I ordered a food processor and blender so that I can make things like blueberry smoothies:

And 'nice cream', which is essentially just frozen bananas and coconut sugar, and whatever other fruit you want:
I'm really getting into making my own food as fruit-n-veggie and organic-centered as I can. Lately, eat soooooo many scrambled eggs, self-cooked spinach and raw fruits, it makes me feel like a different and more energized person.
I get to eat lovely things, and I get to learn how to create them.
And I get to exist in this life. I get to live. How sweet is that? Thank you, God my savior.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places (Ps 16:6). I have what I need, and I am content.