6 PM: I'm in the Dallas-Fort Worth airport!
All the packing and flying has gone well. Only one more 1-long flight and I'll be back with my family. Scorrrre!
I've gotten insufficient sleep for the past week because before I travel I'm always strung tight as a piano wire, thinking about all I've got to prepare. I had so much cleaning to do, and packing, and triple-checking schedules for everything. I had to drop my pet fish off with a friend, have final lunches/coffee with different people before the long break, plus trying to finish strong with my boys in English camp.
This morning's schedule went thusly:
6:40 --train to Seoul.
8:40 --high speed train from Seoul Station to Incheon Airport.
9:30-- taking care of baggage, going through security
1:40 PM--flight from Seoul to Tokyo
6:30--flight from Tokyo to Dallas (last 10 1/2 hours)
4 PM (local time)--land in Dallas.
Of course, now time is all warped. My phone tells me it's local time 6PM, while my computer still tells me that it's 10 AM, then day after I left Korea...anyhoodle, a lot of time has passed.
I did actually sleep on the flight, a bit. Maybe as much as 4 hours? Which is negligible, but still unheard-of for me. But! I only slept that much with the aid of a neck pillow, sleep mask and two benadryll. At home in Korea, if I have a cold, one Benadryll knocks me out for a full night. But the muscle tension in my body on a long flight is such that even being already exhausted and sleep-deprived + taking heavy medication can scarcely make me sleep. And I had one of the extra-legroom seats to stretch out in, too!
Yet, with all my complaining, this was still my easiest flight across the Pacific so far. 6th time's the charm!
I'm looking forward to my time with family. My Korea life is going well--I'm earning a living, learning another language, and I have a ministry to help with (preschoolers!), so I feel like I can really loosen up and appreciate my vacation.
Thank you God for safe travels.