SG2 had to give a math and science test to some 2nd-graders this morning--a "test" test, if you take my meaning. It's an experimental test, given to a randomly selected class at every middle school in the area, and I guess it's meant to test the effectiveness of the test, so they'll know if they want to make all the kids take it in the future?
Anyhobbit, the kids were very confused by it, said SG2, because it was asking them questions about things they hadn't been taught. So no, it doesn't look super effective from my vantage point.
Ponyfish Minwoo says I look like Emma Stone. Same hair, skin, and nose, says my baby boy. For reference, this is what Emma Stone looks like:
Thanks, buddy. He wasn't even trying to get chocolate out of the deal, so I'm left to conclude that this is what he genuinely thinks.
Hyungjoon, one of the smart 3rd-graders who only started talking to me 2 months ago despite my having taught him for three semesters--talked to me about his expectations for high school, and it was a good convo.
Clever Sunwoo came by to chat about seeing me at my favorite cafe last Monday. Me and my friend were studying in our usual spot, when Sunwoo, Youngminnie, and Hyun came by, had a conniption fit of excitement outside the cafe window (much shouting and waving at me), and decided to come in. They settled at their own table, ordered lemonades and amused themselves, pleased to just be in the same space.
Cute, cute, cute.
Hyo doesn't just have perpetual allergies, I found out--it's some kind of inflammation that never goes away. Poor baby.
HH is in good spirits. He thinks he did good on his finals and all he's got left to do is take one last high school entrance exam next week, and he's done! Good job, mister. Of all my endless rounds of much-loved kids, HH is right at the top.
Tonight, me and the 3rd-graders and 3rd-grade teachers will all pack up on a train to go see the sunrise on the east coast. This will be approximately a 6-hour train ride, during which sleep will be nigh-on impossible. Then we'll hang out on the coast for a few hours before turning right back around and coming back to our town by nightfall of the next day.
Me and KBR have been talking strategies about how we'll manage to look decent during this trip. 20 hour field trip, with 12 hours of it on a train plus (probably) no sleep equals messy-looking teachers. :-)
Also, Mom, if you're reading this, could you text me to let me know you're alright.