I'm doing well, but I'm having to work harder to care about people today. I finally got caught up on sleep but I'm still tired by the heat. Fortunately, we keep the AC on in the office, but that only brings things down to 75 degrees-ish...perfectly fine for most humans, but not for me.
What I mean by caring about people is that most days I look at kids and want to know about their day. Today I make myself ask them about their family or their field trip or how they got the scar on their elbow. I have to consciously will to talk to them as if they're valuable citizens, which they are.
And I'm feeling weird about food again. I just ate lunch an hour ago but something in me feels so hungry. I have an apple and crackers to eat, and water and Coke Zero and coffee available to drink, but I feel nervous-hungry, like I'm not going to get any more food. That's a survival response that has absolutely no use during the workday.
And it makes me annoyed at the kids. I haven't snapped at a single one, but it's hard to deal with the 1001 things they say and do and ask, when all the while I'm feeling hungry and panicked. For NO reason. Eh. I'm praying about this one--no idea what spurred it on.
Hyunho came by at lunch to play computer games, and then when I decided we needed to stop, he shared my earphones and we watched a K-drama together, with much dialogue about whether the CEO character is Weird Guy's boss or his dad--even in Korean language, their exact relationship is unclear.
I've missed Hyunho. He wonders why I'm not coming up to Sa-ban anymore, but I told him to just come visit me. Jeongmin came by to get my phone number again--he lost my new number, but instead of asking me to write it down or send it to him again, he actually asked to use my phone 'for email'. I told him no, and only several more questions revealed that he wanted to email himself from my phone, thus getting the number.
SY-Teacher came by my desk to talk for 30 minutes this morning. She made me laugh over stories about her boyfriend, her little sister, and her fluffy white dog. I was really proud of her for trying to talk to me. I had to really stretch my Korean to get most of it--she used at least 10 words that I only learned during my study last week. And we also used the online dictionary a lot, but between the two of us, we had a real convo. At lunch she asked me if there's any American food I miss--I said mainly just breakfast. I think I'm going to really like SY.
Yoonseok (3rd) and I had a convo about Germany beating Brazil in the World Cup. One of the little 2nd-graders I don't even know asked me if Brazil is spelled with a 's' or a 'z'. I told him 's' in Spanish and Portuguese, and 'z' in English.
Language practice proceeds apace. I know a few hundred new words from the last 2 weeks.
SY Teacher said thought I was several years older than I am because when I speak I am (we had to look up the words in the dictionary) "very feminine/ladylike and mature". Apparently, 28 is too young to act maturely. :-) O-Teacher saw my dress today and said I look like an elf, which was extra sweet, considering I've been kicking myself all day for wearing a too-warm long dress.
Went to the special needs room and gave Chanyeong a coke.
I think I'm going to have a cup of coffee. Even in a barely-cool room, the warm liquid has traditionally soothed me. When I am feeling food-panic, I will drink coffee and count my blessings. I really want to keep a tender heart toward all my little guys, no matter how stressed I'm feeling.
5 PM Well, I was wondering what would happen to the yellow plastic Easter-chick I'd ggiven to Gimin yesterday (the one with birthday chocolate inside it).

Long-Shot Chick.
Close-Up Chick
Tiny Frog Observes You.
Hi There.
How Are You?? I'm a Lil' Frog! Yes, I Am.