11:30 AM First two classes went fine. H-Sol Teacher has promised to let me go to one of her classes to observe, but I won't get to do it this week because she's just giving them writing assignments, or next week because the 2nd grade will all be gone for field trips.
5:30 PM Walked home partway with Deokryong. Who informed me that while I am "cute," YSR teacher is pretty. Geonju, who loves me, reacted violently to this statement and was quick to say that I was prettier. I thought it was awesome because this was Deokryong claiming me as his own person--if he can rank me up against YSR, it means we're in 100% comfortable territory with each other.
Walked the rest of the way home with Geonju and got him and myself an ice cream. It was a nice time.
Also remembered that my Yunho stepped into the hallway today and said in Korean, "Semmm...Why didn't you come to teach us yesterday?" I told him I was observing the 3rd-graders taking their tests. But it touched my heart that my little guy noticed I was gone and wanted to have me in class. Yunho, sometimes you are made of charm.
Taekyoon came by just to talk. When one of his low-level friends asked him what was he was doing, he told them he was talking with Sem, like it was the most normal thing in the world. I do so appreciate when they come by just to talk.
Today, Myeongbae got an answer in class because I reminded him, "You taught me this word." He instantly said, "forest!" because he remembered our word-learning session from two weeks ago. When I walked by him, he said "Namu moeem!" remembering what I had said when he tried to get me to say "forest" in Korean. Forest is "soop"(숲). What I actually said was "Tree-collection" or "gathering-of-trees-for-a-meeting". Basically, Entmoot from the Lord of the Rings. Myeongbae will not soon forget my super-cute language mistake.