10 AM: First class went well, but instead of having too much time to complete the activity, we had not enough. It was a zombie activity, and their writing was great but we spent so much time coming up with stories, we didn't have time to play the game at the end!
Still, I got to hear lovely thoughtful things from several of the boys. Geon used to be C-ban, but he moved up to B and he's got a likable personality. Geonghong is a natural leader--I got to watch him steering the other kids toward the outcome he wanted. Tiny Yongmoon joked with me, though I didn't always understand.
Yeonwoo was cleverer than most, and Joonhyuk is a precious kid with virtually no English. Sanghyeop decribed his job during the zombie apocalypse as being "Sanghyeop". We laughed and had good time.
The only downside for me was Soonhyuk's sad feelings. Soonhyuk's my boy, and he feels trapped in B-ban. He kept writing on his paper, "I'm A-ban. I"m A. I'm A-ban". And I spent less time with him than with the other boys because he had everything done already and didn't need to be guided.
When I finally came around to Soonhyuk, he had walked over to the window to stare morosely out of it. I couldn't blame him. He was left alone with nothing to do for 10 minutes while me and SG2 helped the other kids. But what can I do? If the other kids don't get one-on-one time, they can't figure out their activities despite me adapting the activities to be as simple as possible and including a lot of Korean words.
Anyhoo, I told Soonhyuk's partner Jeongkyo to come by for chocolate later (because they had done great art and great sentences), but I couldn't find Soonhyuk to tell him to come. I even went back up the stairs to look for him, Reeses in hand, with no results. Poor baby. I know you're bored. I know you're stuck in an uninspiring class level and you want to be recognized for better things because you're just so bright you could light up a room if given the chance. You'll get it, Soonhyuk. You'll eventually get where you need to go. And before that, I'll get your Reeses to you.
Yeonghan met me in the hall and pleasantly told me that we had class together next. I look forward to that. 2-3, 2-4 are grand kids, one and all. I like them lots.
A perky C-level 2nd-grader came by with Jeongkyo and wanted chocolate, in exchange for conversation. His name is Gangmin and I know him from Lunchtime Games. He doesn't play, but he buzzes around the room, pausing occasionally to loudly ask me to save him from imagined violence or to assure me that he likes ladies (they feel the need to inform me of this from time to time). Gangmin seemed like a fun student, so I was glad to talk with him and find out that he's a soccer goalie, etc.
SG2 told me she was at school all weekend, doing paperwork. Suddenly my weekends full of hours (5-6 hours on Saturday, 5-6 on Sunday?) of lesson planning in cool, ambient coffeeshops don't seem so arduous.
11:40 AM: YESSSS class went well! And not because my activity succeeded--because I loved the kids.
I was with NG-Teacher, and I felt like we were both happier. This weekend, I watched a TED Talk (educational video) about the scientific power of smiling and decided to weld that to my faith in God. I practiced smiling on my own, so I found it easier to smile in front of people today. Being joyful is a form of worship because it's showing thankfulness/gratefulness to God.
I smiled in class,to the kids and to myself and I felt so much happier. I had 10 totally invested kids and 12 sleepers/wanderers/doodlers who could not be brought to do anything. But that was okay! I was happy with any of the little guys I got to work with, period. They were wonderful.
Hyunho, Yeonghyun, Kibeom, and Sangpil won the challenge (we actually got to play this time), but I made sure to get Yeonghan, Dongha, and Kyeongwon to follow me for chocolate as well--they put in a world of effort, truly.
In short, I feel pretty buoyant. I don't have to have perfect classes where everyone participates. I just have to work hard and adore the ones I have, whether they're working or not.
Saw Itaewon-Sungmin in the office. He always greets me so kindly. The B-level 3rd grade boys often seem to want to reconnect, now that I don't teach them anymore. Talked with Duyeol, gave him candy after hearing when he woke up and how he doesn't remember what he ate for breakfast.
Jaehyung surprised me in the hall. I was talking to O-Teacher when he walked up and just sort of stood right on me without stepping on my feet. I was so shocked, it made O-Teacher laugh.
Normally, the students can't surprise me. If you work in a boys' school, you expect the unexpected. They will run around corners and narrowly miss bowling you over, they will jump out of nowhere, they will be sitting and standing and sliding on things they should not be sit-stand-or-sliding on. I walk down the hall like a creature with all its nerves removed. I am unbotherable!
Except by Jaehyung. And by C-Jeongmin, who grabbed my arm and made me jump just minutes after Jaehyung did. I'm not getting jumpier--they're just leveling up their surprise quotient.
And! Gyuseong from Lunchtime Games! My darling Gyuseong who can't hardly speak English is...A-ban. I just assumed that he was C level since I didn't teach him and he couldn't really speak to me but nope. I saw him walking back from the English Center and asked him what level he was, and it's A. What a shock.
Additionally, A-Yoonseok says that C-Yoonseok is not a Yoonseok at all but a Yooseok. But C-Yoonseok (maybe Yooseok) has not yet been consulted about the status of his Yoonseok-ness (maybe Yooseok-ness), but I will ask him later. Kindly tell me who you really are, sir. One is either a Yoo or a Yoon. Sides must be chosen.