I accidentally deleted part of a previous post, but the upshot of Sunday was, my lesson demonstration went fine, I'm assigned to teach at an all-boys middle school, and my city's educational supervisor is an amazing woman who I like a lot.
7:30 PM, Sunday: So many feelings. We had our closing ceremony, and we listened to several farewell speeches from different officials. We watched a summing-up video that had pictures of all our field trips and classes, and we heard a couple of songs by a band from Hongdae. It was exactly like a mini-college graduation, complete with recaps of what we'd learned in the past and discussions of how we were going to impact the world in the future.
We got our certificates for completing the training, and also received our medical check results back, Mine says that my sight and hearing are normal, that I'm two centimeters shorter than I thought, and that I test negative for cocaine. Good to know.