6 PM: First cooking class with the 2nd-graders went well. For the first period, the kids were bored as a gourd because only 4 of them could cook and I hadn't figured out what to do with the rest of them.
But me and HS worked out what to do with them for Friday, so the problems are mostly solved. Yee!
Today, I had a good time with Dongwoo, who has always been a kid with high English but who has never been particularly interested in chilling with me, unlike the other kids. But today I pointed out that he helped me more than anybody else did, and he grinned. I think we'll get along better in the future!
Changho suggested that my nickname should be "Lovely" and he's probably going to keep using it, if I know him.
Daehyun, who loves me, noticed that I'm friendly with Chanhee (who also loves me), which naturally led to accusations of dating, because 2nd-grade logic works that way. "Teacher + Chanhee" was written in a heart on the board after class, so according to Monday's conversation class, I'm a couple with one of the biggest gangsters in 2nd grade.
But I think it's mostly positive attention for Chanhee, which is good for him. He's always in trouble for something. Last year, he gave his homeroom teacher fits and never obeyed at all, and this year I've already seen him kneeling in the stone-floor hall outside the big office, doing punishments for smoking.
I didn't know his name until this semester, but he's my boy. I want him to be healthy and happy, and anything sweet I can do for him is all to the positive side of things.
Jungyoon, a little fireball of joy and fun, offered up a great commentary on the cookie-baking and took it upon himself to reshape the "ugly" cookies into prettier shapes.
I found out that if a cookie recipe calls for 2 sticks of butter and 1 egg, you can use 1 stick of butter and 2 eggs and get a similar result--knowledge gained!
I had a batch of cookies leftover after class, so I fed them to 1st-graders who muddled their way into class. SG had one and she said it was good, so score!
Monday, April 13, 2015
Friday, April 10, 2015
4-10-15 #Thanks 22
11 PM Here's the Thank List and stuff I wrote on Tuesday, because school takes up load-boocoodles of time. :-)
241. Surprise ddeok, in nice little
ribbon-wrapped packages, sent to all the teachers by one of the 3rd grade moms.
242. Finding out that it's my baby JH's birthday
today, planning for his present tomorrow.
243. Gradually filling in the the color in my
Secret Garden grownup coloring book.
244. Beomjoon bellowing "Your hair is
YELLOW" for no good reason. It's been yellow for the past 2 years you've
known me, little bear.
245. Chatting with EJ Teacher on the walk to
school, trying to cultivate a new friendship.
246. Row upon row of cherry blossoms in town.
Spring sprang everywhere.
247. Listening to JY teasing students--her style
is totally different from mine, but the kids love it and respond well to it.
248. Looking forward to the girl-teachers-only
teachers' dinner tonight. Should be fun!
249. Talking to 1st grader Yoongyu, about how he lives in my neighborhood, which is why I see him so often on the walk
home from school.
250. The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe still
being fun to watch with the kids after all this time.
1:30 PM Had my first office hours today. None of
my 2nd graders came by, but plenty of 1st graders did, most notably Rook, who
is one of the kids who loves me most, and who I recently found out was one of
the school athletes.
Every year there is one athletic representative
for each grade. When I got here it was GiantShion for 3rd grade (by the way,
Shion surprised me on easter Sunday! He walked up quickly and said 'surprise'
just as I was walking into English service and he was leaving Korean service.
It's a good thing I have Shion's profile programmed into my mental database of
"People Who Are Safe and Who I Am Glad to See," because my first
reaction to seeing him was one of joy and not of alarm. Because he's big enough
to make you jump back a bit, if you didn't know how sunshiny and loveable he
Anyhover, the first year I was here it was Giant
Shion, then Loud Jinsung (who I befriended), then Won, who i believed hated me
for more than a year, though that now seems to be inaccurate. the best year,
Youngjoon was added to the lineup, and now it's. Won, Youngjoon, Rook, all lining up in the
school vestibule and waiting for their training sessions.
Rook wants to know how old I am because of
course he does. I still tell them all
that it's a secret, but I did add that i that been to college, grad school, and
taught in America before coming here.
Rook says it doesn't matter that I'm old because
I'm still totally lovely and a "golden beauty" (if you look up this
phrase in Korean, it primarily yields pictures of Scarlett Johansson). I begin
to think that Rook will never have a bad thing to say to me.
We also had a spiritual discussion. I go to
church with his classmate, Joyful Hyunwoo, and Rook said he'd heard that. he
asked if I went to church in America too, and wondered how church in both
countries compared. Then Hyunwoo walked
in and they went off OK on a separate discussion about church, which was really
sweet. Maybe more of my boys will come to English services! Who knows?
4:20 PM. Well, wonder of wonders class 2-5, 2-6,
which gave me fits last week, was darling today. Once I figured out that what
Hyunmin and Chanmin and ESPECIALLY Hansem want is attention.
So I give them attention. I compliment their
pronunciation and laugh at their jokes and give them the side eye when they're
being marginally mean to each other.
Last week I was pretty flabbergasted with them.
This week, deciding to be charmed by them worked wonders. They were so pleased
and so content with being liked and
being part of a fun, jokey atmosphere. It was like our own little club
and it was grand.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
4-4-15 #Thanks21, Baking List, and Infinite Eunjis
8PM Glorious day of watching educational videos, gently exercising (yes, after 15 hours of sleep, I recovered enough to walk on my treadmill), studying Korean and baking vanilla cookies for an Easter brunch tomorrow. I feel so happy!
My illness was definitely bad-food-related because I'm at almost 100% capacity today. Oh, and I'm so enjoying the day. Here's some thankfulnesses I found in the past week:
My illness was definitely bad-food-related because I'm at almost 100% capacity today. Oh, and I'm so enjoying the day. Here's some thankfulnesses I found in the past week:
234. Apple scented face wash.
235. Warm running water.
236. Learning my new 1st graders names.
237. Post-sickness, eating all the crackers in the
238. A dream of contentment, showing me that I
already have the life I want, the one of deep joy.
239. Smell of vanilla from cookies, floating on
the air.
240. Consolidating my notebooks. Tearing out old
notes, reviewing my vocabulary, keeping my writing space productive.

And I'm working out how to do baking with my conversation boys on Monday. The budget still hasn't come through for the class, one month into it, but it shouldn't cost more than $20 for me to get the supplies we need. Mainly, it's just re-buying bowls and utensils from the Korean equivalent of Dollar General, so that we're not using stuff from my house.
My notes, they look like thus:
Current biggest issue is that the cookies need to cool, and they do that best in a freezer. Nearest freezer to us is a floor away because there are no offices on the 2nd floor. And since this is during class time, I have to be careful about sending kids trotting off to go put stuff in far-away fridges, just in case somebody objects.
Anyhoosier, I think I'm on the right track. Monday's gonna be exhaustrifrying without me trying to bake with the babies, but I'm gonna do it anyway, I think. It'll be good for all of us to try a project.
Tomorrow's Easter! Whooo! Preschool egg hunts, then brunch with the other Americans, then English worship service, then small groups, then Easter dinner at my friend's house! 'Tis a full and happy day, the day of resurrection. :-)
In other news, one of my from-last-year kiddos, Chaehwan, friended me on Facebook. I added him because I actually could remember him...
Only One of These Ducklings Is Your Duckling.
Good Luck Finding Him.
The big and hilarious problem with sorting out Facebook friend requests from Korean teenagers is that I'll only accept the requests of children I personally know ( I get asks from high-school kids who are friends with my former boys), and they make it next to impossible to discern their identity.
Reasons Why I Can't Tell Who My Kids Are:
1. Inaccurate Profile Pictures. Instead of having a picture of themselves, even a fuzzy-grainy photo, a distance shot, or a pic of them in the midst of ten other people, the boys will choose to display their favorite female celebrity.
If I get a request from a kid, I will certainly remember his face, without a doubt. But his profile picture will not be his face, but rather a face which he enjoys looking at. For example:
Eunji, from A-Pink
Chorong, from A-Pink
Hyeri, from Girls' Day
And the students all like the same girls, so it's not just one boy with these as his profile picture! If you believed photos, I'm friends with 5 Eunjis at least.
2. Inaccurate Extra Photos. Facebook has an option where you can look at all the photos a person has uploaded, if they make that public. If I get a request from a kid and he's got a standard Eunji-pic on his profile, I check his extra photos to see if there's one that's, you know, actually him. And in about half of the cases, there will be an old selfie in there. It will refresh my memory and I'll know that yes, I did teach this particular Youngjin, back in fall of 2013. He was smart and I often saw him hanging out at my neighborhood playground.
Sometimes you click the "Photos" tab and it's just more Eunjis.
Student Un-Identifiability Increases
As the Amount of Eunjis Approaches Infinity
3. Video posts. Grown-ups sometimes post videos to Facebook, but we write about our lives, too. The kids are more prone to post funny video after funny video, with no content related to their life, which would be helpful in figuring out if they're my student. If a kid has written a timely post in Korean that says, "Sports Day was boring!" then since every school has different sports days and he can only be talking about one event, I'll know if he's one of mine. but they only sometimes write real-world-related things.
back to Chaehwan. I saw him last week, in the window of the boys' high school next door. Often, when me and JY go for our lunchtime walk around the soccer field, our former students will be at the windows and they'll yell down at us through the giant fence. It's darling.
I hollered a hi to Woojin, Duyeol, Hojin, Other Hojin, Junsu, Taegyoon, and a few others, but when I saw Chaehwan's face, his name escaped me. I knew it wasn't Chansu or Changyo, but I couldn't place which "Ch"-name he was.
Next day, I got a friend request from him and remembered, "Oh right! It's 'Chaehwan"!" Whew. Request accepted, name-remembering crisis averted.
I remembered his face well because he was A-level and I taught him for three semesters. However, Chaehwan was never one of the ones who tried to be close to me. He was unfailingly pleasant, but he wasn't funny or brilliant and he didn't try to make conversation.
Today, he asked in English on one of my posted pictures, "Teacher, do you remember me?" Youngjoon, one of my old favorites, took the liberty of replying to him, "no she doesn't," before I had a chance to write back. What I wrote was, "Chaehwan, you always helped me and KBR by locking the door when class was done, and you have a new baby sister, don't you?" He "liked" my comment, and I knew I'd gotten my info correct.
Crazy thing is, I never-never would have pegged sweet Chaehwan as a kid who cared about being remembered. But he noticed that I didn't call his name at the window. And he still wasn't sure if he was known, so he asked in public forum. And thank the Lord I had a few key facts set aside in my mind, to produce so that Chaehwan could be validated in front of Youngjoon (who was just teasing him, but these things are always more important than they seem).
You never know who wants to matter. Might as well value all of them and commit as many of their details to memory as you can. Because one day, someone surprising and unlooked-for will want to know if you remember their new baby sister.
Friday, April 3, 2015
4-3-15 Sick, Contemplations on Age, and Office Hours
7 PM:
Missed you.
It's Friday and I got through the school day by sleeping for 4 class periods in the nurse's office. I spent all last night vomiting--seems to have been bad food, not a real stomach flu.
Anyhyperdrive, I kept tabs on my body and determined that I could make it to school. I managed to sit through my first 2 classes and let them study, but I couldn't last any longer. JY walked with me to the nurse's office and I got some medicine.
I actually did eat rice at lunch, a fair amount of it, so I felt really convinced that I was on the mend. Despite feeling like that walking dead, I knew the bad stuff was out of my system.
After lunch, my 2nd grade students Dohyun and Dongsup came by my curtained hospital bed to inform me that it was class time, but I told them they'd just be with HS-Teacher today. Our double convo class just couldn't happen.
After school, I actually felt well enough to walk home, and Dohyun rode his little bike after me to make sure I was okay, He's SO SWEET. I remember when he was in my second afterschool last year and I thought he was a 2nd Jiyoon, a pint-sized troublemaker, and he's turned out to be my great comfort and joy in many situations.
Here's writing I did on Thursday, before I got sick:
Missed you.
It's Friday and I got through the school day by sleeping for 4 class periods in the nurse's office. I spent all last night vomiting--seems to have been bad food, not a real stomach flu.
Anyhyperdrive, I kept tabs on my body and determined that I could make it to school. I managed to sit through my first 2 classes and let them study, but I couldn't last any longer. JY walked with me to the nurse's office and I got some medicine.
I actually did eat rice at lunch, a fair amount of it, so I felt really convinced that I was on the mend. Despite feeling like that walking dead, I knew the bad stuff was out of my system.
After lunch, my 2nd grade students Dohyun and Dongsup came by my curtained hospital bed to inform me that it was class time, but I told them they'd just be with HS-Teacher today. Our double convo class just couldn't happen.
After school, I actually felt well enough to walk home, and Dohyun rode his little bike after me to make sure I was okay, He's SO SWEET. I remember when he was in my second afterschool last year and I thought he was a 2nd Jiyoon, a pint-sized troublemaker, and he's turned out to be my great comfort and joy in many situations.
Here's writing I did on Thursday, before I got sick:
1:22 PM. Well, almost as soon as I halted my
thankfulness habit, the worry bug bit. Today, JY pointed out that this year's
2nd graders aren't quite as happy with their homeroom teachers this year
because all the 1st grade female teachers are young and pretty, while the 2nd
grade female teachers are mostly older ladies.
It made me a little sad and worried for the
future because I'm not going to get younger, obviously. This is a one-way train
and getting older is where it leads.
Doors this kind of student-behavior mean that if
I'm still teaching when I'm 50, none of my students will pay attention? Will I
be less valued, less loved, then?
Then I recall my beloved high school English
teacher, who was almost 70 and was my daily light and inspiration. And the
super-cool ladies of the English department at my college, who were
knowledgeable and polished.
I can't fear age. And I won't.
Good put me in a body like anyone else's,
subject to the same processes as anyone's. it's all a gift, the coming and the
1-1, 1-2 class was great. They're SG's kids,
some of them, and they're just charming and a joy to be around.
Kyeonghun, one of my greatly like 2nd graders
hung out after class to talk to me about Easter, about how he's Catholic and
today is Holy Thursday. He said, as he said last week, that he enjoys talking
with me but that he's upset because there's never enough time to do so.
I suggested visiting my office, but he said the
teachers don't like kids to visit there, and that's quite true. I've got to
wrack my brain a little to do his time to talk with kids like Changho and
Kyeonghun who don't feel like they're getting enough time.
My current idea: have office hours in the
English room every Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday from 1--1:30 for kids who want
extra talking time. Mondays and Fridays are really busy for me, so those days
might not be practical, but it's a possibility at least, for some of them.
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